Comment: From the beginning, the parallels between current events and the French Revolution have stood out. " The French Revolution had general causes common to all the revolutions of the West at the end of the 18th century and particular causes that explain why it was by far the most violent and the most universally significant of these revolutions."
The following article discusses the above as well as likely results at the "end".
At the bottom of the post is a related link discussing the possible chaos when overt violence begins to wane. We need to be aware of the dynamics behind this attempt to destroy America.
How Cultural Revolutions Die — or Not
Unlike coups or political revolutions, cultural revolutions don’t just change governments or leaders. Instead, they try to redefine entire societies. Their leaders call them “holistic” and “systematic.”
Cultural revolutionaries attack the very referents of our daily lives. The Jacobins’ so-called Reign of Terror during the French Revolution slaughtered Christian clergy, renamed months, and created a new supreme being — Reason.
Mao cracked down on supposed Western decadence like the wearing of eyeglasses and made peasants forge pot iron and intellectuals wear dunce caps.