Only time will tell if he does the People right as agreed to and promised.
With McCarthy’s Election, the Struggle Continues
Typical of corporate and big conservative media, we had the pleasure of hearing ad nauseum how the process whereby a speaker of the U.S. House is elected was somehow disruptive and bad optics and whatever other parroted drivel. These dimwits might as well have said it was downright unpatriotic.
Of course, the jabbering propagandists at CNN and MSNBC painted the speaker contest as the start of the Apocalypse, which is exactly what their dwindling audiences of Karens, woke hucksters, race peddlers, and climate catastrophe inbreds want to be painted. Their talking points came from the DNC, without which they’d, deer-in-headlights, stare vacantly into the cameras.
Over at Fox News, we had Sean Hannity browbeating Lauren Boebert for the sin of offering no viable alternative to Kevin McCarthy. Sean missed the point of the rebellion. Newt Gingrich characterized the 20 dissident Republicans as “blackmailers.” Newt who came to fame in the 80s by challenging the GOP establishment and throwing bombs. Rightly so.
What happened on the House floor in less than a week is what’s supposed to happen in a nation brimming with freedom. A speaker was elected in an open forum through a civil process and citizens were free to watch. It was contentious and messy at times. But, heck, there were no melees, though one almost occurred.
Alabama’s Mike Rogers lunged at a sitting Matt Gaetz, the rebel faction’s bête noire. Rogers had to be restrained and nearly lost his rug in the fracas. Rogers’ crouching tiger routine wasn’t quite on par with Preston Brooks caning Charles Sumner on the Senate floor, but it did bring back the memory of when democracy was rowdy sport and not the domain of flabby, green-haired, tattooed, nose-ringed sissies and their hovering mommies. What does an actual living, breathing democracy look like? You witnessed a family audience version of it. A lot of ugly sausage grinding. The plainer the view, the healthier for liberty.
What we’ve observed in recent years is stilted anti-democracy, imposed mostly by the establishment and Democrats. There’s a cultural overlay, importantly. A feminized, everybody-gets-a-ribbon generation recoils at conflict. Heck, they recoil if told their shirts don’t match their pants. Making nice is assigned a premium and has been ladled into mushy skulls. It matters more than what’s concretely achieved through often arduous -- and, jeepers, bruising -- processes.
The anti-democracy Stepford Wives standard has been predictably aped by establishment Republicans, who dream nights of being Democrats’ Stepford wives. Go ask Nebraska’s Don Bacon about that. Bacon, who threatened to jump ship to work with Democrats had McCarthy missed the brass ring. Bacon, as in pork, whose name is perfectly suited to his work as a squishier member of Congress.
Democrats have “transformed’ their congressional leadership elections into Stalinist affairs. They might as well hold their elections on college campuses. Powerbrokers select and anoint candidates. Their ballots offer Column A. Column B is blank. Dare show the temerity to dissent, especially publicly, a la the GOP rebels, and expect to be crushed, in a very orchestrated way. Isn’t that referred to in today’s vernacular as “canceled?”
Yes, AOC and her band of “of-color” diversity poster malcontents do stir the pot ever so slightly but have no doubt that wizened Comrade Pelosi and her Politburo chums made it clear to this rump that while they’d get some bones unless they ceased and desisted, those long knives would whittle them down to size. Ouch.
During the rounds of election votes, the rebels put forward candidates to oppose McCarthy. Florida’s Byron Donalds was one. Make no mistake, Donalds is a future, major GOP leader.
Thanks to the “nasty” speaker’s election, more Americans were introduced to Donalds. Record that as a wonderful side benefit. He even received a publicity push from racist Democrat Cori Bush, who said that ol’ Uncle Tom Donalds was a mere prop. We wonder what Cori will say one day when Donalds is Speaker of the House or Senate GOP leader or Florida governor and, perhaps, a serious veep or presidential contender while she’s still pimping hate?
But Donald’s day is yet to dawn. The rebels knew that, and they and Donalds understood that derailing McCarthy’s election was a longshot and wasn’t their primary aim. They were being more strategic and tactical than a roomful of RINOs at the Palm is capable of being.
The aim was to drag out the process to wring concessions from McCarthy and his leadership team. And wouldn’t you know it? In less than a week, the Freedom Caucus stalwarts did, indeed, make McCarthy fold and concede critical conditions for his obtaining the speakership. They played indispensable roles in establishing the framework within which McCarthy acts as a speaker.
Needless to say, McCarthy’s feet must be held to the fire. Laws aren’t worth a plug nickel unless enforced. The conditions wrung from McCarthy matter little unless Gaetz, Boebert, Perry, and their allies remind McCarthy that the sword dangling over his head isn’t there for decoration.
The two key internal conditions won by the rebels were their receiving representation on the Rules Committee, which is pivotal to agenda-setting in the House and determines the amendments process on the House floor, among other functions. The other was permitting just one member to move that the chair (meaning the speaker’s chair) be vacated. It puts McCarthy on a short leash. There were other critical concessions, which the Daily Mail summarizes.
The spin now is that the speaker’s election will make McCarthy a stronger leader. It should unless McCarthy remains as tin-eared as he was just following the midterms.
It was then -- realizing that the red wave would amount to nothing more than a red trickle, and that the GOP House majority would tally a slim 222 members, and that the defection of just five Republicans would put the kibosh to all sorts of measures -- that McCarthy should have grasped that engaging Andy Biggs, Scott Perry, and other dissidents were critical to his securing the speakership. Instead, in his conceit, McCarthy assumed that the speaker’s vote would be pro forma. Why those gripers wouldn’t make a big fuss.
McCarthy and his equally smug advisors regarded the Freedom Caucus fighters much the same as King George regarded the patriots: peasants easily dispatched. So much for that. Had McCarthy taken the dissidents seriously from the get-go, and had he undertaken meaningful discussions leading to resolutions, he may have been spared the pundit described “very awful” spectacle of winning the election through upfront, old-fashioned haggling. Our hearts break.
McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus victors relationship are now entwined. The success of McCarthy’s speakership rests on abiding by the agreement hammered out with the victors. With consultation, he will set the conference’s agenda and move legislation accordingly. He will, of necessity, listen, engage, and seek accommodations. Or he should if he’s smart. Has McCarthy really learned from his trial?
The goal for all must be single-minded: provide a compelling counter to the destructive leadership of Biden’s handlers, Schumer’s Senate majority, and Mitch McConnell’s fifth column.
For the victors, advancing a freedom agenda is paramount. McCarthy has the talent, skill set, and the reach across the conference to lead. The imperative for Freedom Caucus stalwarts is to persist. The speaker simply must cooperate and produce. Their success is his, and his, theirs.
As Rick said to Louie in the closing scene from Casablanca, “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
McCarthy-ship: A Tour d'Horizon
I gotta say, Speaker Kevin McCarthy's acceptance speech hit all the right notes for me. He spoke as the champion of ordinary Americans, promising to legislate for ordinary Americans as ordinary Americans. And death to the 87,000 IRS leeches! But apparently, the speech caused an uproar.
McCarthy invoked the memory of Abraham Lincoln, and championed the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware in December 1776, not forgetting that Emanuel Leutze painted a black and an indigenous in the boat crew. I was annoyed that there was no mention of My Guy Alexander Hamilton, but I guess the 21-year-old youngster hadn't joined Washington's staff yet.
Hey, did you notice that McCarthy's 20th District in California is 52.1% Hispanic?
But maybe all this doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Maybe McCarthy is first and last a swamp creature, never mind how many House Freedom Caucus flies buzz around his lair.
Maybe the effort to take some power back from the House Speaker won't really change things. Maybe Our Nancy consolidated power into the Speaker's office because the operation of the administrative state required it, as Steven Hayward suggests. Maybe the whole federal government would grind to a halt without the Speaker's office calling every shot. Indeed, most likely, individual House members can't really "make a difference." Not until the administrative state goes belly up. Anyway, I don't believe in "leaders." I thought we were all agreed that anyone that believes in der Führer is a fascist.
Yes, it's curious how our liberal and lefty friends seem to have a blind spot on the leader front when it comes to dictators like Stalin, Mao, and Xi. Not to mention revered near-dictators like FDR and the sacred Obama.
Right now, America is divided between a party that represents the educated class, single women, and blacks and a party that represents the ordinary middle class. In the late COVID extravaganza, our government and the governments of most of the world looked after Big Business, Big Government, and Big Activism, and also shoveled money at the lower class so they didn't have to work and didn't have to pay rent. Ordinary small businesses were "non-essential" and went to the wall.
That tells you all you need to know about who's got the power. And so, will Speaker McCarthy make a difference? Not much, I expect. 
I doubt if things will change much until single women and blacks are really feeling the pinch, and stop voting for Democrats. Will that take a recession? A depression? Or will nothing short of economic collapse persuade the lower-class Democrat supporters that the Democratic Party really doesn't care about people like them? Maybe not even then.
I wrote in AT a couple of weeks ago about the Age of Liberalism, with its Ideas, its Revolutions, and its century of Supremacy. We live in a world where educated liberals have all the political and cultural power and occupy cozy sinecures in the administrative state while condemning their welfare and black supporters to a Second Slavery of gubmint benefits.
I believe that it is politics, educated-class politics, that has got us into our current mess, and I doubt if politics can get us out of it. Politics is all about fighting the enemy, as we saw last week when one of Speaker McCarthy's supporters had to be restrained from attacking one of the Freedom Caucus holdouts.
I say that politics is the conceit of the educated class, and the administrative state is the vain idea that educated people are called by Gaia to minister to the plebs because of the Enlightenment.
In my dream world where the ordinary middle-class rules, there won't be much politics, because ordinary middle-class people aren't much into beating up the enemy and are not that interested in power. Instead, people will make themselves useful to others, and work with other people, and marry and have children, ordinary people living ordinary lives in a community with others.
It might be something like Christopher Rufo's "Quiet Right" that is "patiently, and nearly invisibly, building a viable counterculture" with homeschooling, "classical schools," and a move to small towns away from the woke metropolises.
And maybe the Quiet Right will encourage the Waste People of the current regime, the deracinated single women and blacks, to come into the middle-class world and try out the culture and the life of Commoners, ordinary people living ordinary lives in a community with others.
Whatever the future may be, it would have to include a broad movement of women rejecting the "independent woman" fantasy of feminism, and rebuilding human culture on the basic foundation of marriage and family and children and neighborhood and community which is programmed into women full fathom five.
But meanwhile, let us wish Speaker McCarthy and his fractious Republican caucus all the best in the months to come. They will need it.
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