Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Politicians, like Preachers, Carnival Side-Show Barkers all play "Word Games" to Entice on one end of the scale & Enrage at the other....There is Always a :Calculated Effect be it Positive or Negative they are looking for...If you are a Writer of Music it can be surmised as the "Hook Line" & understand me  it doesn't always have to be a CLEVER  Line...Its the calculated Punctuation that sometimes goes into it! And in the End it all comes down to Selling a Thought, a Message or a Lesson ...If it's done Correctly it creates an Emotional Responce....That Emotional  response can be one of Sadness, Joy, Peace, Anger or even Affirmation of what you already thought....Let me remind you , this is Not "Brain Science" it's how Salesmen Sell you & me Products Everyday of our Life....And now that I've laid out those thoughts allow me to remind you that as far a Television  & Radio Advertising go "It Does Not Matter One Bit" whether you Enjoyed the Commercial or Hated it....All they want to do is CREATE an Impression....Then it all starts becoming what some call "BRANDING" & Creating "Predicable Response Patterns....This is NOT, "Fun & Games" it's actually "Cold & Calculated!" Period!

We have ALL heard the about the Line, the Idea called the "American Dream" & it runs right along with our Own Dreams, Wishes & Prayers....By & Large those are Real & Earnest Thoughts & I am not here to Dispel them either....Most of us were Encouraged to have them & to USE them as GOALS & at the same time Keep them Realistic....It's really that "One Step At A Time Thing!" I think you get my drift here...

Let me also remind you that HITLER had a Dream too...As does the Rothschild's Families Quest to "Own All The GOLD In The World" And for those who don't know who they are they are the World's Largest Banking Family & Liberal Sugar Daddy "George Soros" is part of that KLAN of  Evil Bastards! ..The Rothschild Family has played a ROLE in every WAR in AMERICAS History....The Revolutionary War, the Civil War & Both WWI & WWII....They are Not Good People trying to Spread the Wealth of Entrepreneurship around the Universe, they are EVIL BASTARDS---PERIOD !!! And their "MODUS OPERANDI" is to Always HEADGE their BETS, so they PLAY "Both Sides (Support)! BTW cousin George Soros does the Same....While he is a COMMUNIST LIBERAL he Bribes, Extorts & Owns People in BOTH "Fake, Faux, Phony Political Parties!"

How many of these "Narcissistic Self-Righteous Hypocritical Corrupt Politicians" EVER talk about "Healing the Issues that Divide Us?" ANSWER: ZERO....However they do "Run Their Lying Mouths" insistently about "All Of Our Differences, Privileges, Wealth , Poverty, Education, Races, Religions & Dreams!" QUESTION though: Was Any of it ,"Inspirational, Uplifting, Loving, Understanding, Forgiving, Kind , Healing or was it Always about "Hate, Envy, Selfishness, Anger, Spiteful & Jealously?"  Well you Should know the Answer to That One!....
Throughout the History of the Planet Earth there has Always been "Impoverished People" there has always been SLAVES also...Even though that "Definition" needs to be Expanded.....What is Freedom, Really? And what is being a Slave or a Prisoner, Really....While some Arguments may be "Rhetorical in Theory" they are nonetheless True! Emotional States of Mind can make us "Prisoners & Slaves" to Hate & Anger at one end to Love & Desire on the other....For ANYONE Out there that's Ever Taken a "Sociology & Psychology Class knows "For A Fact" that MARKETING & SELLING both Employ "Sociology & Psychology Theories!" It is a GIVEN.....

There is an old folk term I've heard used over the decades:"If It Stinks Don't Stir It" but that's used if you don't want to MAKE anything Worse! Politicians & their Partners In Corruption,,, the MEDIA use it to "Make Things Worse! It works too, even though the RESULTS may Backfire from Time To Time....They Sell HATE to one type of IDIOT & they Sell LIES & False Promises to the Other!!!  

How Many Jobs, Careers, Marriages, Businesses, Friendships, Partnerships & Lives have been DESTROYED because the "Reality, the Hard Work, the Sacrifices & the Rewards don't Match Up with the "Expectations" we had in our Head? The answer is Millions....You could almost say we "Set Ourselves Up For a Failure" & MANY Times that would be true!

Being the Sarcastic Cynic , I must suggest this: What if this "Road To Ruin, Failure was a "Predictable Condition?" What if Failure, Chaos, Anarchy was not only the "Desired Result" but a "Prerequisite" that the Oligarchy needed to END the America we knew & replace it with the "One World Dictatorship" most  of us call the "New World Order?"

The Politician & the Media Puppets know when they Push ISLAM down the the throats of Christians, it will enable Muslims & Enrage Christians.....When Liberals Sell & Push "Homosexuality, Transsexuals & Pedophile's" it Enables the Perverts & angers the Straights! When Liberals Sell the IDEA of Open Borders it Enables all of the Illegals that have been here for Decades & those who have broken all our laws, but The Working Class see that as a Direct Threat to their Jobs & standards of living , yet it's being SOLD as Racism , which it is NOT!     

The reality is we've not only been SOLD "Blatant Lies" but our Freedoms have been "Legislated Into Nothingness" they are ALL Now Meaningless Hollow Words....Who are the "Winners & Losers" here? It should be Obvious! AMERICA 0----LIBERALISM --2...The LIBERALS know the more they FORCE these Issues the Worse it will get & Sooner, Rather than Later the "Tipping Point" (Point Of No Return) will occur....Using the old Dylan Line:"You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows" seems to sum it all up! 

The UGLY TRUTH is we've been set up for a "Epic Fall" ...There were Many Players in this Game, but Gamed we were! WASHINGTON DC, almost in its entirety is the ENEMY, same can be said about the Classless Propaganda Peddlers in the Media.....We've been Primed & Baited for DECADES & the MESSAGE is becoming Clearer Everyday, we either ACCEPT the "Socialist America" where MUSLIMS will likely become the "Enforcers Of The Police State, Sexuality is Assigned & the STATE Owns us from "Birth to Death" & in their case DEATH is actually the Preference....We've become Nothing but TOYS in their "Game Of Fools, Rules & Tools!" SHOW ME WHERE I HAVE IT WRONG....No, that does not have to be our "Destiny" but it takes Courage to Fight & today the Believers are Few!   

Real Change in this WORLD comes Slow & the Politicians Made it Go & Seem Slower! They Created the "Institutional Hate & Divisiveness" that would make it "Singular & Never-Ending Frustration" for one & All....Today Everything is about HATE, you don't hear the term LOVE bandied about much anymore...That actuality tells the tale!...It stared with Self-Hate & spread everywhere....LIBERALISM is the CURE For Life, for it Brings us DEATH!    

Knowledge Is Power: The New Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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