Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The treacherous totalitarian enemies within fully unmasked

Pure psychopathic evil now appears to be running rampant on the American political front. 

The elites were infuriated by the American electorate's victory over them in the 2016 election and feverishly sought to overturn it.  Challenges to the election results, ballot recounts, and threats to the electoral college members to not award Trump his earned votes all failed.  

Thus, they proceeded with their standby tactics of funding useful idiots, er, resistance groups to engage in the standard rioting, smashing of windows, beating up members of the opposition, etc. in order to create chaos and the illusion of a total uprising against Trump.

Well that did not work, it actually backfired because not only did the Dem leaders refuse to condemn the lawless behavior, but they actually encouraged it.

Auntie Maxine was the first to vigorously advocate the harassment and/or violence against all Trump supporters, cabinet members and GOP congressional members.  However, she was merely the front voice for the enemies of our Constitution who continue to engage in treachery.

As a result, many moderate Dems were becoming disgusted. The #walkaway movement began and continues to grow.

The Kavanaugh nomination finally exposed the the Dems servitude to their globalist masters. They could not disqualify him on his merit sooo they whipped out the time honored card of sexual assault, the accusation of which was proven to be unfounded and the accuser's veracity questioned.

Unfortunately the facts do not matter and Kavanaugh was not merely drug through the mud, he was burned at the stake. Thankfully, he proved to be a man of steel, did not back down, and now sits on the SCOTUS bench

The following articles discuss the seditious activities of ole' George and his buddy Tom Steyer and their part in the ultimate move toward a totalitarian globalist world.

Judicial Watch Uncovers Soros Open Society Foundation/Obama State Department Collusion
by Alicia Luke Jeff Dunetz | Oct 8, 2018
The latest Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit has enabled the release of documents showing U.S. Embassy officials in Albania shown working directly with Soros operatives to channel grant money into left-wing operations that attack traditional, pro-American groups, governments and policies in name of ‘civil society.’

“The Obama administration turned over key State Department activities to George Soros, especially in Albania,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Deep State continues to be aligned with Soros and uses the State Department in countries such as Albania to push his radical agenda. And, of course, tax dollars for Soros abroad frees up resources for his activities here in the United States.”

Documents show the billionaire and the State Dept working hand in glove with your tax dollars. For much more,  continue

Posted by Jeffrey Avalon Friedberg

Thomas Sowell taught us:
“Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.”

Truer words were never spoken as we have seen these past weeks. The insanity, the incivility demonstrated by all those hired thugs to heckle and badger any and all supporters of Judge Kavanaugh is a glimpse into the collective mind of the left. Only Joe Manchin of WV had the grit to defy the orders of Schumer and Feinstein, and the rest of the miserable totalitarian left. Their behavior over the Kavanaugh nomination has been way beyond uncivil; it has been diabolical. Their lack of respect for a man clearly deserving of respect for a life well-lived over the past thirty years was abhorrent.  For more details, continue

George Soros Working Closely With Iran
By Clarion Project

American billionaire George Soros and his grant network the Open Society Foundations are working closely with the Iranian government, reported Israel National News.

The revelation came from Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Zarif, while answering questions in the Iranian parliament.

Zarif said funding from the organization began before he became foreign minister, but he had succeeded in “keeping the activity organized.”

Open Society Foundations funds left-wing and far-left organizations worldwide. Its budget for 2018 totals over a billion dollars.

Of the organizations it funds, many work against the U.S. “War on Terror” because of what the foundation perceives as unreasonable counter-terror measures taken by the U.S. government post-9/11.

For example, the foundation funds the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, which has convinced more than 400 cities and counties in America to pledge that they will not comply with the Patriot Act.

To promote his agenda, Soros first appointed Aryeh Neier to run his foundation. Decades earlier Neier was known for creating Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the most influential and radical student group of the 1960s whose aim was to overthrow the American capitalist system of government and replace it with Marxism. An even more militant faction of the SDS was a spin-off called the Weather Underground, a violent terror organization.

Neier went on to run the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Human Rights Watch, both heavily funded by Soros. ACLU also opposed almost all counter-terror measures enacted in the U.S. after 9/11. HRW contends America’s terror problems are a result of America’s failure “to promote fundamental rights around the world.”

HRW has also been accused of lying about the activities of the state of Israel and regularly funds anti-Israel organizations.

US Tracks Elaborate Terror Scheme by Iran

EXCLUSIVE: Michigan Mosques Linked to Iranian Regime

Iranian Spies Arrested on US Soil Were Plotting Attacks

EXCLUSIVE: Maryland Islamic Schools Tied to Iranian Regime

Original Article


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