Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

In case you missed this, Senate Dems made infanticide legal.

The newly minted Dems are now out of the closet. They no longer hide their Godlessness and outright Satanic bent.
Planned Parenthood is undoubtedly dancing on the tables with bottles of champagne----more baby body parts for profit!
Perhaps normal Dems should consider a third party? 

‘One of most shocking votes in history of Congress’: Senate Dems block ‘born alive’ bill, America gasps

The Democratic Party just extended “reproductive health,” code for abortions, outside the womb.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Male runners win 1st and 2nd place in girls’ high school track in Connecticut February 25, 2019


Two male runners are continuing to dominate high school girls’ track in Connecticut.
High school juniors Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood took first and second place in the state open indoor track championships Feb. 16, The Associated Press noted in a report Sunday. Both Miller and Yearwood are biological males who identify as transgender girls.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The unhinged Left's favorite tools: lies and censorship.

The Left Is Hateful and Discriminatory
Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. 
The following article adds to what we already "know". Censorship by the hate filled left, which borders on psychosis, is real and is only getting worse.
There can be no discussion with anyone in such a state of mind. 
"You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality"---Ayn Rand

The Left Is Hateful and Discriminatory 

Democrats and liberals have used a strategy, again and again, to try to win power, and it is by calling others, their opponents, liars, haters, racists, and more. Often this is just an example of psychologically projecting onto opponents their own actions they have taken or are willing to take. But you won’t see many of these examples of liberal or Democrat deception in the media called out (visit here to see what other media sites won’t fairly discuss). 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The disposables, useless seniors and unwanted infants.


The concept of death panels and infanticide have been around for decades. They are now here and fully functional.  
The following article is quite insightful

Killing the Old Folks

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Ministry of Truth Is Now Fully Functional

Yes, it is astounding and frightening how much the erosion of our freedom has progressed over the past few decades. 
And it is not over yet. Is it too late to fight back?
Below are clips from three posts which discuss the issue in detail. Links to the entire texts are at the end of each excerpt.

The EU Goes Full Orwell: The “Action Plan Against Disinformation” is pure Doublespeak, as the guidelines literally ask journalists to misinform the public and for social media giants to act as voluntary censors on behalf of the EU.
by axolotl_peyotl

Many researchers have pointed to the connection between the birth of the European Union, its increasingly Draconian policies, and the machinations of what some have referred to as a “Fascist International.”

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Russian Collusion Scandal Shoe Is Now On The Other Foot.

 Rep. Adam Schiff speaks to reporters, on Capitol Hill in Washington, during a break in the Committee's questioning of President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

Collusion? Rep. Adam Schiff Met with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson in Aspen Last July

By Debra Heine February 8, 2019

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the new House Intelligence Committee chairman, is facing calls to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after photos emerged of him at an undisclosed meeting (colluding?) with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, a key figure in the Russia collusion scandal.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Spite is the driver behind her gubernatorial decisions?

Michelle Lujan Grisham
Should she be impeached?
 Jaw-dropping: NM Gov. Endangers Citizens, Withdraws Nat’l Guard from Border Just To Spite Trump

 By Ben Marquis

The issue of border security has been made a top priority by President Donald Trump, and in light of the series of Central American migrant caravans that continue to travel to the border — in addition to the typical illicit cross-border traffic — Trump has deployed both state-level National Guard troops and active-duty military troops to the border to bolster U.S. Border Patrol agents in their efforts.

But now the Democratic governor of one of the border states has ordered the bulk of the National Guard troops deployed within the state to withdraw from the border — in what appears to be a move to spite the president and undermine his agenda.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Does the average American truly understand the Socialist threat looming on the horizon?

Can America Fight Off the Socialist Mind Virus?
by Daniel Carter 
In the early 1990’s, the famous biologist Richard Dawkins wrote an essay entitled Viruses of the Mind. In this essay, Dawkins describes religion as a mind virus that spreads from human to human for the sake of its own survival.

Think whatever you want about Dawkins or his theories on religion. I personally think religion has become much less of a threat than political ideology since The Enlightenment period, which is why I will attempt to apply his mind virus theory to what I consider the biggest ideological threat to American values, socialism.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Will the plugs be pulled on U.S. cities' life support lines?


 Apocalyptic Debt Crisis In America: 63 Of America’s Largest 75 Cities Are COMPLETELY BROKE

The debt crisis in the United States of America has reached apocalyptic proportions.  A new and horrifying report out details the reason why 63 of America’s largest cities are completely broke: debt and overspending.

02/01/19 ~ ROGER STONE . . . WHY NIXON?!

Razin' Cain


Friday, February 1, 2019

Will Dem Senators declare their support for de facto infanticide

Senator Sasse
 Sasse Throws Gauntlet Down To The Entire Senate: I'm Going To Ask Them If They're Against Infanticide

On Thursday, speaking on the Senate floor, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NB) threw down the gauntlet to his 99 fellow senators, informing them, “On Monday, I’m going to ask all 100 senators to come to the floor and be against infanticide. This shouldn’t be complicated.”