Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Saturday, February 2, 2019

02/01/19 ~ ROGER STONE . . . WHY NIXON?!

Razin' Cain


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After an indictment put forth by special counsel, Robert Mueller, there ensued a pre-dawn raid of Stone’s house in Fort Lauderdale, Florida by a group of heavily armed agents wearing bulletproof vests whose tactics resembled gestapos banging on a dissident's door rather than the arrest of a fully cooperative sexagenarian with a Nixon fetish who was dressed in pajamas. 'No stone was left unturned' as agents had also raided his apartment in Manhattan. The irony is, after over two years of investigations, the end result does not conclude Stone conducted any illegal collusion with Russia during his association with the Trump campaign.  Nor does it confirm that Roger Stone had any involvement of hacked DNC emails via WikiLeaks.  It stands to reason that the Deep State needed sensationalism to justify the expense of a lengthy investigation that has cost taxpayers over $30 Million and a continued encouragement for their flock of sheep to believe in Liberals as a winning team.  Because Crappy News Network was first on the scene, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) sent a letter to the DOJ requesting an investigation into whether details of Roger Stone’s indictment were leaked.  

"I  will  not  testify  against  the  president because  I  would  have  to  bare  false witness  against  him."

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It was Roger Stone's arrest, along with the revelation of his close affinity for the 37th president, that made this blogger curious . . . why Nixon?!  

After all, President Richard Nixon was the lead villain of the Watergate scandal which entailed a break-in by 5 men at the DNC HQ's Watergate office complex, Washington, D.C.  President Nixon's administration attempted to cover up its involvement. Ultimately, the Watergate Scandal was investigated by congress.  Discovery was made that the Nixon administration was guilty of multiple abuses of power such as bugging offices, investigating political figures as well as contrary activists, and as weapons against these same people, enlisted the aid of the FBI, CIA and IRS.   The investigation exposed the Nixon White House tapes which had minutes missing. . . WTH?!  These were audio recordings of conversations between President Richard Nixon and Nixon administration officials, Nixon family members, and White House staff which was produced between 1971 and 1973.  In 1974, the House of Representatives gave authority to the Judiciary Committee to investigate grounds for impeachment. That same committee did finalize a report for an impeachment recommendation.   

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 Hmm... this  is  beginning  to  sound  all  too  familiar!  
Talk  about  history  repeating  itself!  


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So  where  does  Roger  Stone's  Nixon  fetish  begin?

Raised in Lewisboro, New York by a mother who wrote for a local newspaper and his father, a well driller, his addiction into politics came via a neighbor who gave him a copy of Barry Goldwater’s book, “The Conscience of a Conservative."  At 13, he entered his first political arena by working weekends for William F. Buckley, Jr.'s mayoral campaign.  In 1972, Stone began working on Nixon's presidential campaign.  Because of Stone's desire in obtaining a Nixon win, he adopted the pseudonym Jason Rainier to make contributions in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance to the campaign of Pete McCloskey who was challenging Nixon for the Republican nomination.  Then Stone sent a receipt to the Manchester Union Leader, to “prove” that Nixon’s adversary was a left-wing stooge.  Stone then hired another Republican operative who was given the pseudonym, Sedan Chair II. Chair was to infiltrate McGovern's campaign. It was during the Congressional hearings of 1973, at 19, Stone's high jinks came into light.  He was never accused of breaking the law.

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 After the Watergate scandal and some years passing, Stone organized a series of dinners at Nixon's home in New Jersey where groups of journalists would listen to Nixon's monologues about world events. 

“Of course a lot of the journalists hated Nixon, but they were always blown away by how smart he was."   

Stone’s preoccupation with toughness led to his enduring affection for Nixon. 

“The reason I’m a Nixonite is because of his indestructibility and resilience.”

“He never quit. His whole career was all built around his personal resentment of elitism.  It was the poor-me syndrome.  John F. Kennedy’s father bought him his House seat, his Senate seat, and the Presidency.  No one bought Nixon anything.  Nixon resented that.  He was very class-conscious.  He identified with the people who ate TV dinners, watched Lawrence Welk, and loved their country.” 

Stone's adulation for Nixon compelled him to stop at the Ink Monkey in Venice Beach to put that now infamous tattoo portrait of Nixon's face on his back.
“Women  love  it.”
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“Everybody talks about the Reagan Democrats who helped put the Republican Party over the top, but they were really the Nixon Democrats.   The exodus of working-class people from the Democratic Party was started by Nixon.  The realignment was delayed by Watergate, but it was really Nixon who figured out how to win.  We had a non-elitist message.  We were the party of the workingman!  We wanted lower taxes for everyone, across the board.  They were the party of the Hollywood elite.   The point that the Democrats missed was that the people who weren’t rich wanted to be rich.  And Jimmy Carter was viewed as an appeaser.” 

Rule:  “The Democrats are the party of slavery; the Republicans are the party of freedom.”

🌟  “You know, Nixon was the one who desegregated the schools — not that he ever got any credit for it.”

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More  Info  about  Roger  Stone's  Political  Career 







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