Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Monday, October 14, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts – We Have a CIA Operation Against the President, Oligarchs Will Crash System to Boot Trump

There is no doubt. They did it to get Obama into the WH, and they will do it again.

 Economic expert and award winning journalist Dr Paul Craig Roberts asks, “Where is William Barr? We already know Russia-gate, the Steel Dossier, the deception of the FISA Court, we know all of these were felonies. I

Indeed, I consider it treason, and there is nothing? There is no action? Nothing, and that’s the most amazing thing to me when every legitimate whistleblower has been destroyed. 

Now, we have a fake one, a CIA operation against the President, and nobody even knows who the whistleblower is? It’s so transparent. If the American people fall for this they, will go down in history as the most utterly stupid people who have ever walked the earth, and they will deserve the consequences. It will be the end of America.”

 Original Post

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