"Whatever one’s opinion of President Trump, he is right about this. Spygate could be one of the biggest political scandals in history.
It is certainly bigger than Watergate. While Watergate will likely
continue to be the scandal by which all other scandals are measured (old
habits die hard), the reality is that taken all together, Spygate makes
Watergate look mild by comparison."
That story was two years into what became known as Spygate. We are now 4 years into the scandal we were never to know anything about.
Kevin Jackson
America will soon learn the entirety of the story behind the FBI framing General Mike Flynn. And that story will blow the minds of the Leftists who fervently supported Barack Obama.
The Flynn case exposes the man who proudly declared he presided over a “scandal-free” administration. And as I say to my radio audience often, Democrats tell you who they are by what they (1) call you, or (2) say they are.
Let’s take Door #2: Obama’s declaration of being scandal-free amounted to him admitting exactly the opposite.
Forget Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, shipping billions to Iran in the middle of the night, and Watergate. Because the targeting of Donald J. Trump beats them all.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke on the newly released files revealing FBI agents discussed their motives for interviewing former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. He declared the scandal, “bigger than Watergate”.
“What you’ve talked about with Flynn and
with the president is bigger than Watergate, and people need to be held
accountable,” the California Republican told Fox News host Sean Hannity.
File this under, “Tell us what we already knew”.
In the very beginning of the Trump administration, we learned through Admiral Mike Rogers that Trump was targeted. And we immediately knew the origin of the scandal. Move over, Richard Nixon. I give you Barack Obama.Here’s what was written about “Spygate” back in 2018:
Spygate is a bigger scandal than
Watergate. But the liberal mainstream media — acting as the propaganda
arm of the Deep State — are trying to cover it up.
Consider the implications of the FBI planting a spy in the campaign of one candidate while violating
both the law and the fundamentals of investigation to protect the other
candidate from facing the consequences of her crimes. And remember that the text messages
between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, DOJ lawyer, Lisa Page,
mentioned both a “secret society” within the FBI and DOJ (including
then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe) and an “insurance policy” in the
event Trump won.
It now seems clear that — along with the
false “Russia collusion” narrative — part of that “insurance policy” was
an FBI spy in the Trump campaign.
Even back in 2018 it was clear this “investigation” by Mueller was a sham. 40 million dollars spent to frame Donald Trump.
We certainly know where it sort of ended. I write “sort of”, because the new developments with Flynn will certainly cause us to revisit this original farce.The article on Spygate continues:
continue reading for much more and short videos
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