.......by attacking the disabled and the elderly. Antifa's true colors emerge more brightly as thuggery, er, protests go on---Cowardly Yellow.
The three articles blow discuss the situation. The first one gives an excellent overview and is worth the read. The second and third give examples of their loathsome tactics. How could any normal human being support such a heinous organization and its actions. They become more vicious and threatening as time goes by. Well, maybe the leftists and the Dems who refuse to denounce them are not normal.
ANTIFA Attacks The Weak And The Elderly
posted by Sean Robertson | Sep 30, 2019 | Life, Wire Feed

I hate ANTIFA.
There, I said it…
Man, do I feel better.
Now that we have that out of the way, in no particular order, let me list the reasons why
But before we begin, I feel obligated to give a brief history as to what ANTIFA is and what its members stand for.
The Definition Of COWARDICE
ANTIFA—or Anti-Fascists—have a long history of fighting AGAINST fascism starting in the 1920s in response to the fascist movement of both the Nazis and Mussolini’s National Fascist Party. continue reading
Man Arrested in Brutal Attack on 77-Year-Old Veteran Wearing a MAGA Hat
by Jack Davis
A 77-year-old veteran who survived the war in Vietnam became a
casualty of America’s political hate last week when he was attacked at a
California post office while displaying his support for President
Donald Trump and America’s police. continue:
Video shows ‘Antifa’ group block elderly couple’s path, yell ‘Nazi scum’
An elderly woman using a walker and her companion were blocked by a
group of antifascist activists shouting, “Nazi scum, off our streets!” —
and blocking the couple from entering a right-wing political rally,
according to reports. continue:
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