Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Friday, February 5, 2021

Documentary on Election Fraud is OUT And Big Tech Is Censoring It


Documentary on Election Fraud is OUT

Absolute Proof

UPDATE: Mike's documentary has been removed on YouTube & Vimeo but you should be able to find it on OANN and on Rumble at

Mike Lindell developed a Documentary on election fraud, with the support of President Trump, that dropped TODAY. "If you knew what I know you would be so confident. Anyone who sees this documentary will see the election was stolen by foreign invaders. It'll be the most important documentary you ever watch in history."

It's called ABSOLUTE PROOF and it has been released on his website at Mike's documentary has been removed on YouTube & Vimeo but you should be able to find it on OANN and on Rumble at

I'm watching it right now and it's very good. He's asking ALL of us to send it everywhere we can. Remember, Dominion's & Smartmatic's lawyers are doing everything they can to suppress the evidence along with filing intimidating lawsuits against everyone who dares to tell the truth! Even Time Magazine is doing damage control for the Deep State fraudsters! 27 states have machines hooked to the internet and they manipulate our votes nationwide and around the world!

A week ago, President Trump declared: "We're not finished yet." Since then we've learned that SCOTUS will hold a conference to consider taking THREE cases on election fraud - based on Constitutional grounds - Trump's Pennsylvania case as well as Lin Wood's Georgia case & Sidney Powell's Michigan case.

Lindell's argument is that once SCOTUS & the American people see all the evidence in the documentary, they will have no choice but to act. Before you tell me that NOTHING can happen and it's hopeless - remember that Myanmar's military stopped a fraudulent election, called a national emergency and plans to schedule a new one - all based on their Constitution. All things are possible under God. Pray!

For all those who are brainwashed & say there's no evidence of election fraud or foreign election interference, send them this link. All the evidence is right here:

Just today, there's new video showing illegal ballots being delivered in the middle of the in Detroit. They've refused to release this video for 3 months!

Democrats asked Trump to testify under oath at their fake impeachment trial and he refused - saying why would he testify at an unconstitutional & illegal trial? Then he resigned from the Hollywood union called AFTRA-SAG saying they do NOTHING for the workers. True!


"In recent months there has been a massive effort to infiltrate the "awakening" or "truth seeking" community with social media personalities who push absurd theories and click bait misinformation. Classic controlled opposition will offer you 95% truth with a subtle 5% of untruth and reel people in by telling elaborate stories and hooking people through emotion ("they make me feel good to listen to"). Many unsuspecting listeners who are new to "conspiracy theories" gobble up the word salad given by these story tellers and make it go viral.

The mainstream media and "alt. media" propagandists then use these personalities and their now viral misinformation to bash the whole movement of truth seekers. Psy-ops on psy-ops. It's interesting because you will still see the content of these so-called "pro-truth" social media personalities on the Big Tech platforms like YouTube and Facebook. They claim they get censored but it doesn't really look that way. [If they are so CONTROVERSIAL why is Big Media & Big Tech still allowing them to post their BS?]

They also often claim to have "inside contacts" and "secret, anonymous sources" yet never offer any evidence or proof of this. I can go down a laundry list of names who I would fit into this category of questionable personalities, but if I did I would inevitably receive comments calling me a "divider" or saying that I'm "tripping off my ego" by shills looking to protect them or from folks getting cognitive dissonance from my statements. I know you already have a few individuals in your mind from this reading this post, though. Never stop questioning - don't let yourself become gullible to those online looking to manipulate you. Discernment takes effort and time to hone, keep practicing it!"

The Bank of America is giving the FBI access to the bank records of Trump rally goers & they are visiting the homes of people who DID NOT even go to DC! We already live in a full-fledged POLICE STATE under Biden.

Hunter Biden is getting a $2 MILLION advance on his memoir about his "drug addiction" - the purpose of which is to bury his laptop & make you feel sorry for him while ignoring the fact that his entire family is in bed with Communist China.

Wilbur Ross & Larry Kudlow, former Trump cabinet members, filed with the SEC to form a SPAC to raise $345 million. A SPAC is a "blank check" vehicle that raises money from investors to acquire a private company and bring them public. The SPAC craze exploded in 2020, with more than 248 blank check companies that raised $83 billion. Rumors are they're raising money to start a media company for Trump.

Meanwhile, Parler's CEO, John Matze, the guy who hired Amazon to host Parler's website, only to have Amazon remove it, was fired by Rebekah Mercer - a huge Trump donor. Sounds like they figured out Matze was a Communist PLANT. Like I suspected. Dan Bongino even admits that Matze was a snake & that Parler had LOTS of internal problems.

House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy defended Liz Cheney, the 3rd most powerful person in the House GOP, after she voted to impeach Trump. Why? Because Dick Cheney's daughter draws lots of money from pro-war Defense Contractors & big donors for the GOP. Then he held a PRIVATE vote in the House (so we can't know their names) and only 61 voted to remove her. Meaning there are nearly 150 House GOP members who are privately in the tank for pro-war and Big Money.

Meanwhile, only 10% of GOP voters in Wyoming intend to re-elect Cheney. Further proof the GOP doesn't care about its base - they care about money. Meanwhile, Matt Gaetz (a lawyer) offered to leave his House seat to defend Trump in his upcoming trial and House Democrats plan to hold a vote to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees because she defends Trump.

The UK can't figure out why the FLU suddenly disappeared after COVID arrived. Right. It's because they coded all the FLU cases to COVID. We now have the data to prove it. If my estimates are correct, roughly 24,000 have actually died FROM COVID in the United States in the past year - compared to an annual average of 30,000 who die from the FLU each year. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize we've been conned.

New research shows that seasonal heat & humidity determines how fast viruses spread - not masks or social distancing. Didn't President Trump say that in March 2020? Yes, he did. Also, the minute Trump left office, COVID infections dropped 44% in the US and 30% globally. WHO experts are baffled about the "phenomenon" and say vaccines cannot be the main driver. They think we're all that stupid. Now we can wait for them to announce the next "mutant strain" to keep the panic alive. The World Bank actually lists the "Covid-Pandemic" as a "project to be continued" until 2025!!

Biden's new Defense Director, Lloyd Austin, said he's going to force the military to weed out right-wing extremism, "white" supremacy and "nationalism." Nationalism is simply allegiance to one's country! Translation: If you're a conservative in the military you will be removed and labeled as a terrorist. Only Communists who put America LAST will be allowed. This is the same thing Mao, Stalin & Hitler did. Austin is a BIG WAR liberal & in the pocket of Defense Contractors.

It's not just the military. Biden is removing ALL Trump anti-war appointees from every committee in America under the guise of "national security" - a total purge. Some are fighting back with lawsuits. He's also removing Elon Musk from the space program as a favor to China, leaving our troops in harm's way, reversing Trump's deal with the Taliban so we could end the war in Afghanistan and upping America's refugee program to allow people to enter from terrorist countries during a pandemic!

As Biden kills American pipelines & American energy jobs during a "pandemic", he's approving foreign off-shore wind projects, putting kids back in cages as caravans full of illegal aliens storm the border & bringing back catch & release so that anyone who claims asylum is released in to the United States pending trial - to take American jobs, take American benefits & vote in American elections - never to return. Meanwhile, CBP caught 11 IRANIANS trying to cross into Arizona yesterday. America is LAST under Biden.

First AOC started engaging in some weird back and forth with Ted Cruz, then she declared she 'feared for her life' at the Capitol riots when she wasn't even there, then - when made fun of - she declared she was a victim of 'sexual abuse' to detract attention - now she is telling her followers to report anyone who makes fun of her on Twitter & Facebook so they can be removed. Paying attention yet? This is how the left works. They lie and lie and lie some more. Then try to cancel you if you figure out their lies.

I think Matt Gaetz should quit the House & defend Trump. Then DeSantis should give Gaetz's seat to Trump pending a special election. Gaetz should run against Rubio for the US Senate. Then when Rs win back the House & Senate in 2022, Trump can be Speaker of the House, Gaetz can run the Senate - they can impeach Biden/Harris and Trump can become President again in 2023. In the meantime, after SCOTUS sees Lindell's new documentary, they can nullify the election and call for a new one. The military can call for a national emergency, neuter Biden's power and seize all the voting machines & voting records and conduct a forensic audit of EVERY race in the US since 2018 to find out the truth and make sure this never happens again! All legal & constitutional and a way to save the Republic from the ATHEIST COMMUNIST NEW WORLD ORDER!

Men who think they are women now want taxpayers to pay for them to receive "uterine" transplants in addition to hormones, breast implants, castration & a vagina. Will they also want us to pay for the abortion of any child they try to "make" in their fake wombs? 90% of these people are completely INSANE and regret sexual reassignment surgery after it's done.

Mark Elias, the DNC lawyer who convinced all the election officials to bypass the Constitution and allow Democrats to rig the 2020 election, now says that the vote tabulating machines caused one of his Democrat candidate to lose. How can that be? I thought all the vote tabulation machines were perfect!

Steve Bannon said it's time for Christians to stand up and defend religious liberty. It's do or die time. It's no longer enough to sit on the sidelines, turn the other cheek and hope for the best. Atheists don't sleep. And they won't stop until they remove God from every facet of our country.

Rudy Giuliani told Steve Bannon that it was he who went from City to City making presentations on Election fraud, not anybody else. He said he had help but he was the one that did it. In other words, he is disputing Patrick Byrne's story that Byrne was somehow involved or in charge. Just like I thought.

Rudy said that big Pharma literally owns all of the Republicans in Congress and half the Democrats. That's why they hate Trump. He's trying to lower drug prices & replace prescription drugs with cheap, effective OTC drugs.

Now that it's coming out that China did use Microsoft's Solarwinds to hack into government election databases and Mike Lindell's documentary is coming out on Friday, CISA says well maybe there was some interference that we didn't catch.

CROWDER: It is clear the left is going to use this impeachment of Donald Trump as a foothold to get themselves in the door to remove your ability to exercise your First Amendment.

Remember we told you that teen climate change gal, Greta Thunberg, was just a puppet of the Communist New World Order? Well, now we have proof. Greta accidentally posted a document to Twitter containing tweets that she was told to post and actions she should take regarding the current protests in India. She quickly deleted the tweet. Now India has filed a "criminal conspiracy charge" against Greta!

After the most profitable quarter for Big Tech in history, Jeff Bezos suddenly decided to step down from Amazon as CEO. Lots of speculation as to why - no real evidence. We shall see.

While Biden and the fake news use the false flag Capitol riot to paint all Trump supporters as "domestic terrorists" - new audio tapes reveal the Oath Keepers came to defend the Capitol & the DC police from BLM-ANTIFA who planned to storm Congress.

Did you know that left-wing terrorists have stormed the Capitol 6 times in our history? In 1971, far-left extremist, Bill Ayers (founder of the Weather Underground) bombed the US Capitol causing $1,929,437 in damage. In 1983, 6 left-wing extremists bombed the US Capitol. Ringleader, Linda Sue Evans was sentenced to 35 years in prison but was pardoned by Bill Clinton. It's obvious that the Democrats are trying to replace a LONG HISTORY of left-wing anarchists attacking the US Capitol with the 1/6 false flag. Proving it's another Communist attempt to rewrite history & remove their involvement. Same thing they did with slavery - rewrite history to remove the fact the REPUBLICANS stopped Democrats from holding slaves - not the other way around.

Detainees & guards say Communist China's Xi subjects Uyghur women in his "re-education" camps to rape, sexual abuse, and then often forcibly removes their organs.

"Yes, the rape has become a culture. It is gang rape and the Chinese police not only rape them but also electrocute them. They are subject to horrific torture."

POMPEO: "Not only has the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) destroyed millions of American jobs, but they’re behind the gates. They’re lobbying members of Congress. They’re working our school boards and city councils to try and change our way of life. We, along with our allies, must take the China threat seriously."

Want more proof that it's NOT about the science? The new CDC Director said it's not necessary for teachers to be vaccinated before children return because transmission is LOW in schools. Biden's press secretary said NOT SO FAST. We haven't made that decision yet!

If Jeffrey Epstein owned blackmail on the world's most powerful people, don't you think he would set up a "Deadman's Switch" that would trigger upon his death as an insurance policy to keep himself alive? I would.

The latest BS on vaccines is that some "block transmission" of the virus better than others and some are better for people "who've already been infected" than others and some tackle "mutant versions" better than others. In other words, they're going to develop "special shots" for every kind of resistance. Just a few weeks ago, they said you can "mix and match" - now they say that might not work.

CDC is now considering whether they should mandate TWO masks! In the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which was later determined to be SWINE FLU out of China, over 50 MILLION died worldwide while WEARING heavy masks of many layers. Masks were mandated for ALL people 24/7 unless sleeping or eating and you could be imprisoned or fined if you refused.Continue Reading...HERE

Knowledge Is Power: The New Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.

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