Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Tuesday, March 2, 2021




by Michial Trayler


. . . through the lens of my learned friend who resides deep inside the belly of the NYC beast

Start of a new week and a new month. The big story is the reaction from all quarters to President-in-Exile Donald Trump's first major political speech since the Democrat/Globalist cabal stole the election from him, and really all of us.

As usual, by all accounts, he did not disappoint.
On every issue and policy that, for the first time since the end of the Second World War, Trump's first term turned around and made a wild success and that Zhou Bai-Din is completely wrecking, Trump took a blowtorch to him, and really to his puppet masters Hussein0bama/Jarret/Ayers/Soros.

"Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history," Trump declared. "Already the Biden administration has proven that they are anti-jobs, anti-family, anti-borders, anti-energy, anti-women, and anti-science. In just one short month, we have gone from America first to America last."

Our former president argued that there is "no better example" of Biden's failure "than the new and horrible crisis on our southern border."

"Joe Biden has triggered a massive flood of illegal immigration into our country the likes of which we have never seen before," Trump declared, noting that Biden has loosened the enforcement of immigration law. He accused Biden of "enriching child smugglers" and having "put the vile coyotes back in business."

"Biden has failed in his number one duty as chief executive, enforcing America's laws," the former president argued. "This alone should be reason enough for Democrats to suffer withering losses in the mid-terms and to lose the White House decisively four years from now."

A few things of note, both tactically and strategically. First, considering the absolute split between us and the only real vehicle for the advancement of our policy goals - the GOP - we are a voting base without a home.

That raises the question, is it easier (for lack of a better word) to form a new party, knowing the pitfalls and problems that that would engender, or to try and wrest control of the GOP from the CoC-whore globalist Deep State stooges that are in control of it by purging as many RINOs as possible?

Donald Trump had this to say:

"We will do what we've done right from the beginning, which is to win," Trump said. "We're not starting new parties. You know, they kept saying, 'He's going to start a brand new party.' We have the Republican Party; it's going to unite and be stronger than ever before. I am not starting a new party. That was fake news."

As horrendous as the GOPe is, it has the infrastructure and wherewithal to run candidates not just for president but at every federal, state, and local political office.

A new party starting from scratch, even with Trump at the top, would just not be able to field such a panoply of candidates, certainly not without splitting the vote.

So, as crappy a prospect as having to wrest control of the GOP, it's much more of an attainable goal. The second wave hitting Omaha Beach as opposed to the first.

Also worthy of note and of respect are up and comers Ron DeSantis and Kristy Noem. Both have proven themselves to be outstanding executives over this past year in their handling of the Chinese coronavirus and more specifically the Democrat totalitarian virus that was and continues to be afflicting much of the nation.

Despite the usual and continuing media sliming and smearing, they have come up smelling like a rose -- unlike the Angel of Death in New York who is now circling the drain despite an Emmy Award and self-congratulatory book that is not going to protect him from those within his party who want him out.

In any case, as heartened as I am by the likes of DeSantis and Noem, all of the machinations of reshaping/retaking the party for 2022, 2024, and beyond presupposes that going forward we will have honest, open, and fair elections.

After everything we have seen, I would be lying to you if I told you I believed that that was going to happen. The United States of America, as it was, is no more. It has been effectively overthrown by a Leftist-Corporatist-Globalist cabal that is now instituting its own "Operation Warp Speed" to institutionalize its iron grip while silencing and crushing all dissent or potential threats to its power.

People living under managerism, however, hold a tiger by the tail.

The complicated modern lives they lead are held together by esoteric technical management. The management may be less effective than advertised and leave the masses struggling, but it at least keeps the lights on.

The overthrow of the managerial class means the chaotic reversion to pre-Information Age living. To cite just one glaring example, without Tim Cook and the other managers at Apple, there will be no more iPhones to type out Twitter messages about how awful Twitter is. Americans have ceded control of virtually every aspect of their lives to managers, in areas as diverse as food production, medical care, and national defense.

The managerial class cannot be guillotined or thrown into gulags as in previous class revolutions -- not without a catastrophic loss of living standards or even total social breakdown.

Looking to the east for harbingers of things to come, Russia has pursued an alternative path to managerial-class eradication; but their alternative is almost as unsettling as guillotines and gulags.

When the USSR fell apart, the power held by its managerial class passed into the hands of a wealthy, quasi-criminal oligarchy. The oligarchs allowed the managerial class of Russia to do their work on a leash, much as the managers allowed the capitalists to persist in a diminished capacity under managerism.

Does Russia's path seem a likely template for the United States in the near-term future?

There is no question the next four to eight years will see the managerial class tighten its grip on the levers of power, with concomitant frustration in store for those outside the managerial pale.

At some point, we might expect disaffected working-class voters to elevate a leader who promises to break the grip of the managerial class and make experts 'accountable to the people'; but who in practice subordinates the managerial class using the mechanism of an oligarchy, one that dominates everyone, manager or not.

I udderly (purposely misspelled) loathe Bernie Sanders and his even more repulsively anti-Semitic flunky Matt Duss, seems the latter is less than happy with the Biden junta's renewed military adventurism in Syria.

And that has got to be reflective of not just the psycho Code Pinkos but perhaps the more amenable liberals (if such a species is not extinct by now).

Along with us, there is a lot of disaffection with the current junta as well as with the notion of the legacy two-party political system. I have noted with some irony how much of the rhetoric of the Occupy Wall Street astroturfed protesters actually makes sense some 10 years later.

But, look who controls the Democrats.

Forgetting elections for a moment, at least on a national level, the time is ripe to get involved on as local a level as you can possibly get. School boards, community boards, etc., etc.

I think that that is going to be the key in somehow clawing back and at least having a chance. It's not going to happen overnight; remember, it took the Communists 100-years to get where they are today. But if you do move in Lefty circles and your cover has not been blown, make yourself into a concern troll and sow division and dissent but from that perspective. It's worth a shot. We've got nothing to lose now.


It's not even noon on a Monday morning and I can see a lot of you heading for that bottle of arsenic. But in spite of all of this evil, something's going to give.

Keep the faith and it’s never as bad as it seems.

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