Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A PAGE FROM THE DIARY OF BILL SHARPE: 10/30/2021 - HERE'S MY THOUGHT FOR TODAY, Attention wake up people

The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends' Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.


Attention wake up people, yes I'm talking to you!

For four years the Democratic Party used the judiciary to impede and interfere with the executive branch of government, and they did this by creating false narrative false charges against the president of the United States, they also tied up the legislative body of government with these false charges against the president so that they actually, manipulated and controlled all three branches of government by false and erroneous charges, by the highest-ranking members of the Department of Justice, the highest-ranking members of the FBI and CIA, to manipulate the United States government from functioning properly, and eventually to fix the election process so that the American people had no say in who was going to become president of the United States, or who was going to become the governor or legislators of their states. The Democratic Party has manipulated two of the three branches of government and turned them into political weapons to control and destroy the liberties and freedoms of all of the American people, now they are using biological weapons to murder us and our children, they have converted the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry into the Gestapo of the third right, instead of using the gas chamber there using vaccination!

Your enemies are Communist capitalists, not constitutional independent capitalist Americans! They have used the mainstream media to entice and hypnotize people to drive themselves to the gas chambers, to bring their children and families to the gas chambers, to be poisoned at the death camps called medical establishments, they do not even have to hire guards soldiers or even transport their victims to the gas chambers, these people are taking themselves there all over the world to be poisoned and have their entire family bloodline murder off, at their / the victim's own expense! Volunteering for your own demise, and I also believe they're dosing people with through the alleged testing process, not testing the people but giving people the virus or whatever chemical or biological agents they put on the plastic alleged testing equipment.

Can you trust the government not to use biological warfare against you? 

Well let's see, they never use biological weapons against the American Indian by giving out blankets that were infected with smallpox and typhoid, and they never killed off billions of Buffalo to take the food supply away from the American Indians, to manipulate them onto the reservation and basically put them on welfare, And killing the culture of the American Indians, that is what the American government is trying to do to all of the American people, is to kill off the culture of The American people which is based on and in liberty and freedom.

 The government wants to kill off all of the American traditions, killing off the culture so they can install communist mine control, there won't be any holidays, there won't be any fishing or hunting season, there will not be any free thought and there will not be any religion other than the religion of government, if the American people don't stop what is happening in America, we will be living under the boot of Rome and Roman law once again, there will be two classes of people just like in the days of Rome, nobility, and slaves!

 The American government tested syphilis and other diseases on the people of the black American, the American scientist were sent over to Africa to infect people with AIDS, yet the government own media says we can trust the American government not to infect the American people or to do the right thing, but the government-controlled media is complicit in the big lie, they want to kill off the American people using biological and chemical warfare, that's why the borders are open they are the replacements for the American slaves, some of the people coming in from foreign countries have not been exposed to this type of slavery, and everything the American government is doing to the American people they will eventually do to everyone.

 The government-Controls all media, They the government have been using the TV or television to hypnotize people into believing the propaganda, they use a series of flashing of bright, and changing color lights that cause you to blink putting memory marks in your mind, they do this in conjunction with music sound, and sound is another form of light to control your thought process, you must disconnect yourself and your family from the television set, and the pre-programming by the TV to manipulate your mind.

 If you wish to perform an experiment darkened a room with a television in it, turn the volume down, turn your back to the TV, and watch the flashing colors and lights on the wall opposite of the TV, you will see different patterns, if you watch commercials listen for the background music this is subliminal to get you to trust and believe what you are seeing, every commercial place some type of music, these are all tools to manipulate your thought process.


Can you trust the government not to use biological warfare against you? 

Well let's see, they never use biological weapons against the American Indian by giving out blankets that were infected with smallpox and typhoid, and they never killed off billions of Buffalo to take the food supply away from the American Indians, to manipulate them onto the reservation and basically put them on welfare, And killing the culture of the American Indians, that is what the American government is trying to do to all of the American people, is to kill off the culture of The American people which is based on and in liberty and freedom.

 The government wants to kill off all of the American traditions, killing off the culture so they can install communist mine control, there won't be any holidays, there won't be any fishing or hunting season, there will not be any free thought and there will not be any religion other than the religion of government, if the American people don't stop what is happening in America, we will be living under the boot of Rome and Roman law once again, there will be two classes of people just like in the days of Rome, nobility, and slaves!

 The American government tested syphilis and other diseases on the people of the black American, the American scientist were sent over to Africa to infect people with AIDS, yet the government own media says we can trust the American government not to infect the American people or to do the right thing, but the government-controlled media is complicit in the big lie, they want to kill off the American people using biological and chemical warfare, that's why the borders are open they are the replacements for the American slaves, some of the people coming in from foreign countries have not been exposed to this type of slavery, and everything the American government is doing to the American people they will eventually do to everyone.

 The government-Controls all media, They the government have been using the TV or television to hypnotize people into believing the propaganda, they use a series of flashing of bright, and changing color lights that cause you to blink putting memory marks in your mind, they do this in conjunction with music sound, and sound is another form of light to control your thought process, you must disconnect yourself and your family from the television set, and the pre-programming by the TV to manipulate your mind.

 If you wish to perform an experiment darkened a room with a television in it, turn the volume down, turn your back to the TV, and watch the flashing colors and lights on the wall opposite of the TV, you will see different patterns, if you watch commercials listen for the background music this is subliminal to get you to trust and believe what you are seeing, every commercial place some type of music, these are all tools to manipulate your thought process.

By- Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 10/29/2021




 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 


Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

14 January 1969. Famous American comedian, Red Skelton, explains the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, word-by-word, from a memorized lecture given to him by his 7th-grade school teacher, Mr. Lasswell. (Red includes the words "Under God" at the end of the video.)



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