Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Monday, February 14, 2022

Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today / We Are All Truckers Now

 “Let’s Roll” People The Time Is Now! Not Tomorrow! But Now ! WE THE PEOPLE  Need To Stand Up For Our Freedoms and Liberties against These Evil People in Washington D.C. If We Don't Who Else Will? Think About That...

Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today

For two years, Western governments have embraced COVID-1984 totalitarianism, and now a group of minutemen truckers is having its say.  It is a recurring theme throughout history that the fight for freedom doesn't really begin until the light of its flame is nearly extinguished.  Then something almost magical happens: the human need for liberty ignites and starts spreading out of control.  Everywhere around us today, Big Tech and Big Government are building monuments to a future of technocratic authoritarianism they envision as inevitable, yet whispers calling for freedom are turning into shouts.

Is freedom on the march?  Freedom is always on the march when it looks almost licked.  What started as gross government overreach may well end up as an army of truckers bulldozing over a police state that once seemed certain.

When honking, of all things, is outlawed for the government's protection, then those with power are getting nervous.  Pushing the "Great Rest" upon the world is backfiring.  Instead of subjugating people to the will of the global "elite," COVID-1984 may be remembered for subjugating the "elite" to the will of the people.  I know this much: our Founding Fathers would all be driving trucks today, and they would have relished the opportunity to declare their independence while blasting their horns from the high perch of big rigs!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

It doesn't matter how sophisticated, wealthy, adored, articulate, or celebrated someone is; in a free society, there can be no ruling class holding perpetual power over everyone else.  When political dynasties and nepotism become common; when political offices are treated as having bestowed titles of nobility; or when oligarchs write all the laws, then kings and queens have returned to power.  When the aristocratic agents of government claim for themselves the authority to determine what rights the people may enjoy, then the people have become slaves to a system that claims to work on their behalf while doing the opposite.

Unalienable rights cannot be taken from a person.  They are absolute and non-negotiable.  The government is not entitled to produce a "really good" reason or excuse for abridging a person's liberty.  Governments depriving citizens of their individual rights under the pretext of an emergency is akin to thieves depriving citizens of their property under the pretext of taxation (so much for the IRS's legitimacy).  Most importantly, our rights and freedoms do not arise from bureaucratic decrees or the musings of politicians.  They belong to us alone and never go away.  They exist separately from any laws or institutions or forms of government created by man.  They existed before America's independence; they existed whether it was the Articles of Confederation or the U.S. Constitution binding the states together; they exist today despite a century of Supreme Court jurisprudence reimagining the Constitution as a "living, breathing document"; they exist regardless of whether the Department of Justice criminalizes "hate speech" or whether the White House censors points of view as "misinformation"; and they will exist long after the United States of America recedes into the pages of history. 

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ...

Societies that value innovation and self-determination cherish individual freedom.  Societies that value orthodoxy and compliance cherish government force.  Free will cannot exist in a system that first requires government permission.  Free speech cannot exist in a system with thought police posing as "fact-checkers."  Liberty cannot exist in a system drowned in tens of thousands of criminal statutes and laws.  Consent cannot exist in a system of medical mandates and threats.

When governments exceed their enumerated authorities, their power is unjust.  When they act in direct opposition to their constitutional duties, their power is unjust.  When they intimidate and punish citizens for exercising their free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and every other natural and unalienable right that can never be abridged or abrogated through the impertinence of impermanent government, their power is unjust.  Tyrants cannot gain the consent of the people simply because tyranny, by its nature, abhors and persecutes dissent.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ...

Politicians will not talk about freedom today.  They talk exclusively about "democracy."  Why?  Because nothing they impose on people today could be mistaken for protecting freedom.  From vaccine mandates and digital passports to emergency orders and mass censorship, the medical police state they have created is communist in nature, arbitrary in practice, and tyrannical in spirit.  When democracy is not held in check by constitutional guarantees for individual rights, democracy is just as prone as any other system to welcome tyranny.  Freedom cannot exist in a democracy if the only people allowed a voice are tyrants.  

Ask yourself whether you would rather live under a benevolent dictatorship headed by Thomas Jefferson or a democracy composed of nothing but Stalins, Hitlers, Mussolinis, and Maos.  Democracy, no matter how "precious" government agents proclaim it to be, means nothing if it cannot protect the people from the people's government.  This understanding of human freedom propelled American independence.  It's the same understanding of freedom that fuels the truckers today.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Any government that attempts to reestablish rights and liberties as gifts bestowed by those with power is a menace.  Any government that pretends rights and liberties survive only in times of peace is certain to keep society in an imaginary but permanent state of emergency and war.  Any government that promises future freedoms in exchange for temporary obedience is certain to provide temporary freedom in exchange for total obedience in perpetuity.  Any government that promises safety and security, yet will not promise to protect individual rights, is a government that leaves everyone less safe, less secure, and less free. 

It is time for Western governments to step back behind the lines they've crossed before they discover one day soon that there is no one left behind them to do their bidding.  Today we have "the honks heard around the world," but what will tomorrow bring as governments outlaw honks, cover their ears, and learn nothing?

Freedom always finds a way.  For those eager to be on the wrong side of it, well, best to look both ways before crossing the street.  The spirit of 1776 is back in the air these days.  And freedom convoys have a tendency to spring up where those shutting them down expect them least.



We Are All Truckers Now

As momentum from the Freedom Convoy in Canada mounts and works its way into the US, and similar convoys spring up in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, people are collectively standing up to two years of COVID restrictions, lies, misery, and abuse at the hands of our government masters. And we owe it all to Canada’s truckers. Oh, Canada’s truckers! We love you!

But it’s not just the truckers. It’s their families traveling with them. It’s the ordinary citizens bringing them fuel, hot drinks, and meals. It’s the throngs of people braving the cold and raising maple leaf flags in solidarity. It’s those sitting on the sidelines, cheering them on—hoping they don’t cave; praying they continue to resist. It’s the non-MSM journalists actually interviewing truckers and hearing their well-articulated grievances for the first time and revealing that it turns out, they aren’t the Nazisterrorists, racists, white supremacistssmall fringe minority, or Neanderthals the Trudeau-Biden elites would have you believe.

The truckers make a clear case for freedom. They understand tyranny when they see it. As trucker after trucker emerges as Sikh, Jew, Black, Asian, Ukrainian, and regular white guy, they scoff at the simplistic and over-used, now ho-hum and fully anticipated, fabricated accusations that they are racist terrorists. Those who came to the West from far lands are afraid, however, that the misery and oppression they left behind in their home countries are coming to their adopted homelands.

No hoods. No swastikas. No Confederate flags. Those are all just government-fed fictions.

And what’s the reaction of the officials both in Canada and the US? To pressure GoFundMe to cancel the $10 million raised for the Freedom Convoy; freezeout truckers and their children by having police remove their fuel cans in sub-freezing weather; arrest an old man for honking his horn, and starve out truckers and their families by threatening to arrest people who bring them food and drink. Meanwhile, the Biden administration and Pete Buttigieg plot to find alternate routes around bridges facing long delays because of the truck convoy, and the state of Michigan brandishes the possibility of forcibly removing the big rigs and their supporters from the Ambassador Bridge.

Oh, let’s not forget the Department of Homeland Security promising to investigate as a domestic terrorist anyone who articulates viewpoints about COVID at variance with official government agitatsiya—attempting to thwart a US convoy before it even starts. You got that? That’s an unconstitutional prior restraint on expression if you ask me.

Forget the politicians. They’re worthless. But the police both in Canada and the US are going to have to decide if they want to support those fighting for the right to live free or be the jackboots and brown shirts of fascists past, robotically doing the bidding of their masters.

This is no longer run-of-the-mill law enforcement—to protect and serve, ensuring peace and safety of the citizenry. This is about our governments using a virus as an excuse to restrict our ability to work, live, travel, speak, pray, and parent; as a cudgel to exert power over our lives, and to spread disinformation to keep us living in fear and pitting us against one another. The police are being used to arrest and detain law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying citizens whose views on COVID the authoritarians don’t like, but who have been forced to the brink and have no choice but to take bold (but peaceful and lawful) action to regain their lives and liberties.

So many have been champing at the bit waiting to do something—anything—to stop the insanity. But too many have been intimidated by the Biden administration’s persecution of the J6ers and ongoing threats from DHS that differing viewpoints about COVID or the 2020 election will be treated as mis-, dis-, and mal-information. This intimidation is intentional.

But the truckers took the initiative and freed us from those fears. It had to be them. They were the ones destined to take action because not only did they work during the plandemic to keep us heated, fed, and medicated, but they also essentially control the supply chain. No truckers? The supply chain collapses. They are the only ones who could force the government’s hand—just as America’s parents were the only ones who could stop the CRT curriculum, LGBTQ grooming, and damaging COVID mandates in our schools.

If the government arrests all the truckers—who will deliver our food? If the government allows the convoy, who will deliver our heating oil? If the government prevents them from assembling and protesting, the truckers have made it clear they will not resume driving and delivering. They will not yield until the mandates are history. It’s their way or the highway. They are the purple squirrels for this job.

They swooped down out of nowhere to stand between us and the government. And so it is incumbent on all of us to support them—whether we make a donation at GiveSendGo, hang a Canadian flag from our front porch, get in the car and join the anticipated US convoy to DC, bring them food, or cheer them on from the roadside. This is how the plandemic ends.

And if this persists for a few months, so be it. If we can’t get all the supplies we need, we’ll make the best of it. Dig into our doomsday closet supplies. Stock up while we still can. Make sure we have enough medication for a few months.

In this Government vs. The People standoff, we will win. Elites have nothing but disdain for the very people they depend on to live—people who work with their hands so the elites don’t have to; who build their homes and buildings; manufacture just about everything they need; repair their electrical, plumbing, and heating systems; install their AC and repair their cars; care for their kids; deliver their food, fuel, building supplies, new ovens, whatever. Teachers, nurses, gas station attendants. The very people the left claims to care about are now domestic terrorists and racists. We’ll survive but the elites will fall apart.

We’ve lost so much: our loved ones, our health, our freedoms, our dreams, our jobs, our prosperity, and our humanity. We’ve lost the very essence of what it is to be an American or a Canadian.

This is our “let’s roll” moment. The truckers gave us this moment. Let’s not squander it because we are too busy or too scared. And we are legion. This movement is international and, unlike a worldwide Marxist movement, it’s a force for good. Truckers of the world, unite!

We’re all truckers now!

As for the rest of you? Truck you, you mother truckers!


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