Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Time To Recalibrate The Doomsday Clock

The Doomsday Clock is so broken that it is not even right twice a day.  It currently sits at one hundred seconds before midnight, having not ticked since 2020.  That's right, despite a Sociopath in the Kremlin and an Imbecile in the White House., the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists occupies land that Doomsday time forgot.   The clock's inertia was not so evident when Trump was president; though the apocalyptic threat was less then than now, it was moved forward three times during his presidency.  The justification for a couple of those moves combined concerns over nuclear weapons and climate change, but these threats tick at different rates.  The threat of nuclear war is much more imminent than climate change. 

Perhaps that's one reason the clock is now broken:  it can't synchronize threats that have different timescales.  Addressing the climate threat from nuclear bombs, renowned climatologist Alan Robock said, "[g]lobal warming is a problem and we certainly should address it but in 20 years, the temperature might go up by a few tenths of a degree and it will be gradual."

In order to keep global temps under the aspirational limits set by the Paris Climate accord, the U.N.'S Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change insists that emissions from warming gases must be halved by the end of the decade.  Their inherent mindset is that climate change is an immediate, existential threat, but even by their alarmist standards… by the end of the decade.  

Contrast that with the immediate threat from Nuclear weapons under the control of a despot with a perverted view of geopolitical history.  A Russian regime with little regard for life as it escalates conflict in order to deescalate under more favorable terms.  The fact that Putin put his nuclear forces on high alert, a status essentially equivalent to our DEFCON 2, moves us perilously closer to midnight.

Disconcertingly, those who are supposed to manage the clock, headed by Rachel Bronson, the president and CEO of the Bulletin, maybe more ideological than scientific.   Her PhD. is actually in soft Political Science, not hard science.  While Concern about climate change is justified, the clock's operations betray an unscientific bias:   three moves under Trump, including one in his first year, yet none under Biden requires the willing suspension of disbelief.  As noted by Robinson Meyer in The Atlantic, the prospect of a nuclear exchange between Russia and the U.S. "…would be worse for the climate than any energy policy that Donald Trump ever proposed."

According to the Global Challenges Foundation, the top threats to civilization are nuclear war and extreme climate change.   The Doomsday Clock is oblivious, but it doesn't take a doomsayer to appreciate that both are more sinister under Biden than Trump.  Continues…

Nuclear war:  After Putin's dire maneuvers, Medvedev reasserted Russia's right to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.  Moreover, Russian forces have literally bombed nuclear power plants in Ukraine.  There has been a run on potassium iodide pills out of fear of nuclear radiation. Though Putin's evilness is entirely to blame, it does reinforce the utility of the "peace through strength" doctrine, something which Biden does not convey.

Horrifyingly, a man-made global catastrophe is being discussed in polite company.  Indeed, more has been spoken about nuclear detonation in the last few weeks than in years when the clock did move. That reminds me of JFK's terrifying words:  "Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness."  Given the prevalence of political madness, let's hope the cold war era MAD doctrine remains a deterrent.   

Climate change: Biden's climate policies have emboldened Russia, once described as a "gas station masquerading as a country," by the late Senator John McCain.  He immediately shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and has ridiculed and tormented our great, socially responsible energy companies.  Presuming streamlined operations, the oil transported through the Keystone pipeline would more than offset what we imported from Russia.  At a minimum, it would have reduced our dependence.

The war on fossil fuels prompts some to speculate that Russian agents are egging on our climate change brigade to further ensure European dependence on their energy exports.  Clearly, policies that lead to an energy shortfall are not conducive to a salubrious environment when Biden genuflects before despots with dirty oil, including Venezuela and Iran, whose production processes are worse for the environment.  

The Doomsday Clock remains the closest it has ever been to midnight.  However, unlike other clocks, and time itself, it can move back and forward.  Now is probably the time for recalibration.  First, reversing the moves under Trump would put us back to three minutes before midnight.   Then, not because of overheated worries about climate, but because of dire warnings that Putin might use WMD if Russia doesn't win in eastern Ukraine, move the clock forward 30 seconds.

There's a sociopath in the Kremlin and an imbecile in the W.H.  An imbecile whose gaffes about the war in Ukraine are fraying the slenderest of threads,  and whose clean energy imperatives are counterproductive to the sustenance of our planet, the resplendent pale blue dot floating majestically in the dark void of space.  It's time the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists fix their clock.




Cold War II – Part 1

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, in what has been called the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II. The Russian military incursion into Ukraine has been roundly condemned by most Western politicians and mainstream media outlets. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been called a killer and has been compared to Adolph Hitler. Cold War II has begun.

Fox News host Sean Hannity recently suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin should be assassinated and called for NATO to bomb the Russians and their convoys in Ukraine. Hannity stated, “You cut the head of the snake off and you kill the snake. And right now the snake is Vladimir Putin. Anyone who invades a sovereign country (even one with a history of corruption like Ukraine), and kills innocent men, women, and children like Putin has, forfeit their right to lead a country, and they deserve to be taken out by any means necessary.”

To believe that Putin is acting unilaterally, without the support of other Russian leaders in the Kremlin and the support of most Russians, is beyond ignorance and naivety. The latest Russian polling shows that 70 percent of the Russian population is firmly behind Vladamir Putin.

Killing Putin would not stop Russia. Ironically, Russia believes or will come to believe, that the best way to kill the NATO beast will be to cut off the head of the NATO beast and you will kill the NATO beast. That will be discussed in part 2 of this article, at a later date, for those who agree to take the red pill.

MATTHEW 7:3-5:
Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’, and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First, remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Before we remove Putin from power, we should first remove our unelected usurper president, Joe Biden from power. Before we commit to helping Ukraine protect its border, we should first protect our Mexican border from illegal immigrants flooding into America. Before we lecture Russia on how wrong they are for invading a sovereign nation, America needs to stop invading sovereign nations (Vietnam, Beirut, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria) and establishing military bases all over the world. Before we state that Russia cannot reacquire its former Soviet Bloc nations, the United States should first recognize the Confederate States of America.

Have we awakened Americans suddenly supposed to forget this post-republic country we find ourselves living in, wave Ukrainian flags, and patriotically support Joe Biden and oppose Russia? Are we supposed to forget how often and frequent our politicians and media continually lie to us about things such as Covid, the need for lockdowns, Covid hospital death camp protocols via ventilators, “safe and effective” vaccines, and the world being on the brink of catastrophe due to global warming? Joseph Goebbels would be in awe of America’s propaganda machine.

This may sound un-American and controversial, but Ukraine is the second most corrupt nation in the world, behind only the United States, which is the most corrupt. Which is more corrupt, the strong nation (America), who bribes the weaker nation with a billion dollars of grant money, or the weaker nation who accepts the grant money with strings attached? Strings such as firing a prosecutor investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who received an $83,000-per-month salary in kickbacks, ahem I mean “worked” on behalf of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, as part of the deal for the billion dollars being granted.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the poster boy of a propped-up Western puppet leader, as far as Russia is concerned. Due to Western aid, primarily American, Ukraine has become a base for further NATO encroachment upon Russia’s borders. To believe that Russia invaded Ukraine solely as an act of Russian aggression for global conquest on the whim of a dictator is ignoring history. As Putin has stated, “The U.S. is parking missiles on the porch of our house [in Ukraine, aimed at Russian cities].”

“Do not judge a man [nation] until you have walked a mile in his shoes.” -American Proverb

Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, with 3.8 million troops, the largest invasion force in the history of warfare at the time. Nazi German forces seized Ukraine, which was part of the Soviet Union, and were eventually driven out of Ukraine by Russian forces. WWII is referred to by Russia as the Great Patriotic War. Thus, when Vladimir Putin proclaims that Russia and Ukraine share a history together, he is not lying. When Putin explains that the West is using its historical ally, Ukraine, as a launching pad for NATO missiles aimed at Russian cities, he is not lying. Russia, having been attacked by Nazi German Europe in its past, has every reason to be concerned about NATO aggression at its border.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 1-month, 4-day confrontation between the United States and the Russian-led Soviet Union that lasted from October 16 through November 20, 1962. In order to counter American missiles deployed in Italy and Turkey (aimed at Russia, of course), the Soviet Union deployed similar ballistic missiles to Cuba that were aimed at American cities. After the American-funded failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, a sovereign nation, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro requested that the Soviet Union install missile launch facilities in Cuba to deter a future invasion of Cuba. The Soviet Union agreed to Castro’s request and the construction of missile launch facilities in Cuba began in July 1962. An American naval blockade of Cuba ensued, which stopped the Soviets from further construction of the missile launch facilities in Cuba. Negotiations afterward took place and it was agreed upon that the Soviet Union would dismantle their missiles in Cuba and return them to the Soviet Union and the United States agreed to not invade Cuba again and would dismantle their missile systems deployed in Turkey and Italy against the Soviet Union. While today’s U.S. and NATO leaders believe that they have the right to place their missiles in any sovereign nation near Russia’s borders, the United States nearly went to nuclear war against the Soviet Union when they attempted to place their missiles near America’s border.

A large segment of Ukraine is Russian, the Russian and Ukrainian languages are similar Slavic languages and use slightly different versions of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Build Back Better was a United Nations concept program introduced in 2015. The slogan was afterward adopted by the Biden administration as a talking point for the rebuilding of America after the widespread property destruction, encouraged by the Democrat Party, in the wake of the racial unrest of 2020. American-led NATO follows a similar pattern of Build Back Better. NATO’s methodology is to topple regimes and nation-build.

Russia views NATO as liars, who perpetually promise security, then continue to approach the border of Russia. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was more of a defensive act to use Ukraine as a buffer zone against NATO encroachment than it was an act of a nation aggressively seeking to overtake and conquer another nation. Russia will never accept Ukraine joining NATO.

Is the Russian Federation supposed to sit idly by as the U.S. funds 25-30 Biolabs in Ukraine? Is Russia expected to trust the same American government who has funded the Wuhan lab in China and all but certainly took part in the greatest unleashing of a virus upon humanity in the history of the world? Who knows what evils the Deep State has planned for Russia. While U.S. “fact” checkers are claiming that there are no U.S. bioweapons labs in Ukraine, but only biological “research” facilities, after being lied to repeatedly over Covid and a whole host of other political issues, U.S. politicians and the mainstream media have lost all credibility. As a matter of “fact,” it should now be expected that the U.S. government and mainstream media will perpetually and pathologically lie to us.

Russia’s President Putin, using sound reasoning, is making Western media reporters look like deer caught in headlights every time they interview him. Whether the topic is Ukraine, Russian aggressionhomosexual rights in Russia, Donald Trump, or alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Putin has outwitted the Western narrative with plain, straight talk answers. Not since President Donald Trump has there been a politician as able to clearly expose the agenda, bias, corruption, dishonesty, and fakeness of Western leaders and their mainstream media lapdogs as Russian President Putin has been able to do on the world stage.

We now know that despite all 17 U.S. “intelligence” (propaganda) agencies reporting that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election, they didn’t. After being accused of doing so, Putin asked reporter Megan Kelly to provide some example or some actual evidence showing specifically exactly what Russia did to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Kelly’s answer was, in sum and substance, “Well, we all know you did.” Our mainstream media and Deep State U.S. government are full of pathological liars!

Western media has tried to trap President Putin with accusations that Russia is anti-homosexual and Putin calmly explains that it is not illegal to be gay in Russia, there is no death penalty for gays in Russia, and if Elton John wants to do a concert in Russia he is welcomed. What is illegal in Russia is the promotion and propagandizing of homosexuality and child abuse (which includes pedophilia and gender mutilation surgery), practices that the Western nations have recently adopted or are in the process of adopting.

The greatest benefactor of the Russian occupation of Ukraine is none other than Hillary Clinton. The Durham report shows that Hillary Clinton spied on both candidate and President Donald Trump and attempted to manufacture fake evidence tying President Trump to Russia. The mainstream media did its best to cover for Killary and they did, with only conservative outlets Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News covering the story. After the Russian incursion into Ukraine, the news cycle shifted and Hillary Clinton got away with treason, again.

The Commander-in-Thief of the United States, Joe Biden, is either completely incompetent or is purposely implementing policies that are intended to harm the citizens of the United States and bring down the country. BIDEN DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING! If Biden actually does know what he is doing, it is even more ominous for Americans. In order to save the environment, which didn’t need saving, Biden ordered a halt on the construction of the Keystone Pipeline and has now imposed sanctions on Russian oil, because of their Ukraine invasion, which has and will continue to drive up gasoline prices at the pump. Americans can now rely on our friends, the Saudis, to step up oil production to fill America’s petroleum needs. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg urged Americans to just go out and purchase new electric vehicles to avoid paying high gas prices.

Poking the bear… American citizens have been programmed over the years to believe everything Russian is evil. From popular movies such as Rocky IVCreed IIThe Hunt for Red October, and Firefox, the Russians are always portrayed as evil dumb brutes who are always defeated and outwitted by the good Americans.

It is not until hundreds of years into the future, in Star Trek, is a Russian viewed in a positive light, albeit a Russian who speaks English with a heavy Russian accent.

The last State of the Union Address featured a crooked senile thief, standing in front of a dimwitted whore, and a bat-shit-crazed woman. With immoral, incompetent leaders such as this, as well as the aforementioned homosexual transportation secretary and many other immoral leaders, America will not remain a blessed nation for very much longer. This leads to the second part of the article being released soon.

Who is pushing the narrative on Russia? The global and cultural elites have made many Americans believe that Russia is an inherently evil nation. The very same people who have spent the last two years trying to enslave every person on the planet through their Covid pandemic narrative. Russia has finally said enough and has begun drawing its own red lines. Cold War II is upon us.


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