Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Joe Biden Calls on the Mob


 Biden Calls on the Mob

The Dems decided they needed a little presidential revival before the midterms to fire up their base -- which isn’t looking very motivated at the moment. They gave President Gremlin a few days of vacation to rest up, a couple of shots of Adderall to switch on long-dormant brain cells, and a few hits of oxygen so he could walk out onto the stage without collapsing.

They trotted Biden out to a friendly audience in a suburb of Washington, D.C., and he gave a real barn-burner of a speech. He was angrier than an old coot screaming at the neighborhood kids to get off of his yard. Apparently, the Democrats think that is a good look for them. I wonder if they’ve considered that this speech may come to define the Biden presidency?

The speech was about those that voted for Donald Trump, but it revealed a great deal more about our presidential sock-puppet himself. We learned that Joe has an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He said:

We’re seeing now either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA agenda. It’s not just Trump… It’s almost semi-fascism.

Our uniter in chief believes anyone who could be counted among the MAGA movement is a fascist -- sorry, semi-fascist if that makes any difference. He doesn’t just hate Donald Trump. He hates anyone who doesn’t hate Donald Trump. And the Democrats endorse this attitude because they’re no longer in the business of winning the competition of ideas. They’re in the business of amassing and applying raw governmental power.

Our “return to normalcy” president is clearly comfortably fomenting hatred towards others. Those others would be anyone who is part of the opposition party -- all 74 million of them who voted for Trump. Is there any other possible outcome he could be trying to achieve? By calling anyone with a red baseball cap a fascist, he’s using the same dehumanizing language that tyrants have used throughout history to incite the masses against their enemies. Our President is telling half the country that the other half is a danger to them. Never once did he mention in his address to the crowd that the greatest danger to himself is the danger of competing ideas.

Biden followed that up with this whopper:

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice -- to go backward full of anger, violence, hate, and division, while Democrats have chosen to be a nation of unity and hope.

Let me repeat that. He really said that Democrats have chosen "hope and unity," as he called everybody that voted Republican a fascist –- sorry, semi-fascist.

In the name of hope and unity, he then proceeded to tell the crowd how despicable the MAGA movement is, and that it must be crushed. He didn’t encourage the mob to engage Republicans in debate. He didn’t suggest that they attempt to understand the opposition. He most certainly didn’t recommend addressing any of the grievances of the conservative movement. He incited the crowd to hatred so that MAGA could be crushed -- all 74 million (and growing) of them -- in the name of unity.

Note what Joe didn’t say in his address to the mob. He didn’t condemn the assassination attempt on a Supreme Court justice. He didn’t share his views about a Democrat that tried to murder an entire Republican softball team. He didn’t even comment about his colleague, Missouri State Democratic senator Maria Chappelle-Nidal who said, “I hope Trump is assassinated.” Those all sound like the hopeful actions of a unifying movement, don’t they? Why no mention of them?

His omissions give great insight into what he means by “unity.” Destroy the opposition, and then declare the survivors to be unified. As for the “hope” part of his speech, he hopes to accomplish the above before he has to face Trump on the debate stage again.

The Democrats got their presidential revival all right. It came in the form of a speech dripping with hatred for almost half of all American citizens. But as with all things Biden, the Dems should have given some thought to the possible unintended consequences. I’m sure Joe fired up his base of radicals, lunatics, and criminals. But he probably fired up the Republican base even more. After all, who’s more likely to be motivated to action: a bunch of strung-out delinquents encouraged to embrace their Call of Duty bloodlust or those whose very existence is being threatened? That is not hyperbole. Given the violence that we’ve seen from Biden’s “base” in the last seven years, it’s highly likely that some will take his call to action as a call to do something other than vote in the midterms.

How will his speech be remembered in 2024 if one of his deranged followers actually does murder a prominent conservative? Have the Democrats considered that sometimes it’s better to turn down the temperature than to crank it up? Of course not. Once the omelet is done, the broken eggs are of no consequence.

Joe wrapped up his address by saying:

It’s not hyperbole now you need to vote to literally save democracy.

He’s right about that. Our republic is under attack, by Joe Biden, his entire cabinet, his media enablers, and his misguided followers.

Looking at the trajectory of our country over the past 14 years shows that we are approaching a fork in the road. The mob that Joe Biden represents has:

These things would have been unthinkable in America prior to 2008. Now they are part of our political fabric. Joe Biden, via what he does and doesn’t say, is calling for more of it. It is not hyperbole to say the obvious -- we are nearing our last chance for patriotic Americans to stand up, be heard, and stop this nonsense.

The malaise speech signified the end of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. Here’s to hoping that Joe Biden’s hate speech marks the end of his.

Z*Z*Z Source:

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