Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The Commander of Chaos in Chief betrayed the Saudis---as he did everyone else
Top Saudi official: Barack Obama lied, set Middle East back 20 years
By Pamela Geller
The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles (Ayn Rand). Barack Hussein Obama, while he was President, compromised on every basic principle of freedom and defense of liberty.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Just another disgraceful rush to judgement sans facts

Attack of the Techno-Lynch Mob
By Victor Davis Hanson
The Covington Lie offered the perfect occasion for the electronic mob to pounce—after temporarily licking its wounds following the BuzzFeed fake news hysteria. And it did so without shame or even much regret after the fact, as Jason Leopold, the BuzzFeed fabulist, ceded center stage to a kindred serial prevaricator, Nathan Phillips. The latter in his 15 minutes of fame did not make a major statement that was not contradicted by an earlier statement or by the facts.
The entire psychodrama boiled down not to what the facts on the ground showed, but rather who each party was perceived innately to be.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Is this Pope advocating anarchy and chaos?
Does he truly understand what he is espousing?
Pope Heads To Caravan Country To Push Central American Migration
By Pamela Geller
Pope Francis is the most pro-Islamic, subjugated Pope in modern history. Yet they still threaten to kill him, which is further proof that submission and accommodation to Islam is perceived as weakness and gives way to more demands, more conquest, more attacks in the cause of Islam.
This Pope is a disgrace. He is selling out his people, condemning them to futures of unimaginable misery.
Beware Of Those Seeking To Rule Over You

Recognize a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Beware Of Those Seeking To Rule Over You
When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, my Dad often talked to me about the importance of knowing what our rights are and protecting them. He would tell me things like “what good is owning an automobile if I was not willing to learn how to both drive it and maintain it”. When it comes to the United States of America one could say if the people are not aware of their unalienable rights, it is as if they do not have any. At one time, most Americans were taught from childhood about the importance of understanding what our nation is, what makes her exceptional and how to maintain our unique constitutionally limited republic.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Insanity And Self-Hatred On Steroids
France: Green Party Founder Says Europeans Must Have Fewer Children to Make Way for More Muslim Migrants
Left continues to push for demographic suicide
By Paul Joseph Watson
According to the co-founder of the French Green Party, benefits for native European families should be removed in order to encourage them to have less children so that more room can be made for Muslim migrants.
Left continues to push for demographic suicide
By Paul Joseph Watson
According to the co-founder of the French Green Party, benefits for native European families should be removed in order to encourage them to have less children so that more room can be made for Muslim migrants.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Two huge suspected scandals proven to be true
FITTON:BIG ARMS SCANDAL: ICYMI: Smoking gun docs show Obama/Clinton were aware arms going to Syria through Benghazi and were warned about rise of ISIS, and they were supporting terrorists in Syria. Obama/Clinton created Syria mess.
January 17, 2019 by IWB
Monday, January 14, 2019
MSM continues to do what it does best---lying and covering up
Media (Again) Hides Russian Lawyer’s Connection to the Clintons
From the New York Times:
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Locusts Inflicting A Scourge Upon The Grand Mosque Of Mecca?
Biblical Proportions: Mecca's Grand Mosque Plagued By Swarms Of Locusts
"Black Grasshoppers"
By Paul Bois
The pilgrimage hub of Saudi Arabia got hit with a plague of biblical proportions earlier this week when a massive swarm of locusts descended upon the Islamic holy site of Mecca.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Will this super wealthy Democrat and Clinton donor face justice?
THIRD alleged victim of wealthy Democrat donor claims he was drugged, injected with meth and almost killed by crazed pervert Democrat
01/10/2019 / By Lance D Johnson
One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors is under investigation for injecting young black men with crystal meth, poisoning them with unknown drugs, and performing sex acts on them. Perverted democrat donor Edward Buck, 63, paid a young man to fly across the country to Los Angeles to his sex toy-filled apartment so he could dress him up, experiment with drugs on him, and have sex with him. The young victim, 28-year-old Jermaine Gagnon, said he narrowly escaped death after Edward Buck injected him with a substance dissolved in Gatorade and followed up with injections of crystal meth.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Another Obama Iniquity
Obama Scandal Rocks 21 States After Damning Evidence Rocks Washington
The subject of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election is back in the news, but this time the subject matter is not about the unfounded Trump-Russia collusion pushed by the mainstream media, but rather that there is proof that the Russians attempted to obtain information within state voting systems.
New Documents Suggest The Steele Dossier Was A Deliberate Setup For Trump
By Lee Smith
JANUARY 2, 2019
A trove of recently released documents sheds further light on the scope and logistics of the information operation designed to sabotage an American election. Players include the press, political operatives from both parties, and law enforcement and intelligence officials. Their instrument was the Steele dossier, first introduced to the American public two years ago.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Declaration Of Independence Meant More Than Just Freedom From England
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same
Pure Evil Incarnate
Lara Kollab, Muslim Doc Discussed Destroying Jewish Immune Systems While Studying Medicine
by Daniel Greenfield
After Canary Mission's original report on Lara Kollab,
the Muslim doctor who talked about giving Jews the wrong medicine, went
viral, she issued the expected apology, claiming that she had been
immature and apologizing for all the pain she had caused.
The issue isn't whether she caused people emotional pain, but that someone trying to be a doctor was discussing poisoning a particular ethnic group with the wrong medicines.
The issue isn't whether she caused people emotional pain, but that someone trying to be a doctor was discussing poisoning a particular ethnic group with the wrong medicines.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
More of Mueller's Dirty Work Comes To Light
Robert Mueller CAUGHT STEALING Evidence—Abusing Court Order
January 7, 2019 By Stephen Frank
A court order forced the dense in a criminal case—created by Robert Mueller—to provide the Judge with information. The information was to be kept confidential, not for the public. Instead, Robert Mueller STOLE the information, made it public and used it in his canard of a investigation. Corruption? He needs to be investigated, and since he violated the court order, at the least needs to be suspended from the bar. Maybe criminal action as well?
British Spy Confesses He Was Hired By The Democrats To Sabotage Trump

British Spy Confesses He Was Hired By The Democrats To Sabotage Trump
The now-famous Christopher Steele, a former intelligence agent from Britain’s MI6, their military intelligence agency who authored the Trump-Russia “dirty dossier,” admitted in in a London courtroom that the Democratic Party’s favorite law firm, Perkins Coie, contracted him to sabotage a Donald Trump administration should he win the presidency in 2016.
Clinton Crony Says Bernie Supporters Must Be Silenced For 2020 Primaries

Clinton Crony Says Bernie Supporters Must Be Silenced For 2020 Primaries
Well, like it or not the dust has barely settled from the November midterms and the 2020 presidential race is already underway. Campaigns are being launched, names are being floated, “Gosh look what an ordinary person I am!” videos are being live streamed from politicians’ kitchens, and we are already seeing many of the same toxic patterns from 2016 resurfacing from many of the same toxic people.
Good Lord, this is gonna be good. I can't wait to see the #Dems eat their own🤣🤣🤣
Monday, January 7, 2019
Your Government Has Been Shutdown For:
Day 718: Prime-time.
01/07/2019 Updated: 01/07/2019 02:50:03 PM PST
What Happens If Americans Stop Trusting the System?

What Happens If Americans Stop Trusting the System?It’s been quite a while now that the phrase “cold civil war” has been bandied about. And it’s useful, so far as it goes. Polarization has now become tribalism, and the tribe is now so powerful a force it is beginning to eclipse national loyalty. The two nations, to borrow Benjamin Disraeli’s description of 19th-century Britain, stand facing each other, without blinking, faces flush, equally matched, on trigger alert for offense or another set battle. What we don’t quite know is if this tenuous, balanced equilibrium is sustainable indefinitely, the system careening from one party’s bitterly contested rule to gridlock and back again, until our tribal tensions are somehow exhausted. Or whether the cold civil war could at some point get a little warmer, or even, shall we say, hot.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
It’s Time to Resist the Excesses of #MeToo

It’s Time to Resist the Excesses of #MeToo
A month or so ago, a friend and I mulled over when exactly the backlash to the then-peaking #MeToo moral panic would set in. Mid-January, we guessed, and sure enough here we are.
No, we were not being clairvoyant, just noting certain dynamics. The early exposure of Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, and Harvey Weinstein — achieved by meticulous, scrupulous journalists and smart, determined women — quickly extended to more ambiguous and trivial cases. Distinctions among many different types of offenses — from bad behavior at private parties to brutal assault and rape of employees and co-workers — were being instantly lost in the fervor.
Democrats Reveal Their Ugly Fascist Face: American People Are Stupid Sheep Who Must Be Deceived By The Superior Illuminati Class
If I sound furious, it is because I am FURIOUS. We have watched the Party of Lies, the Party of Satan, take over America and it may be too late to change course now from the “God damn America” that Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have “fundamentally transformed America” into.
The essence of fascists is that they must lead the stupid sheep to pasture and they often have to lead the stupid animals by deception.
Democrats are tied with “the most pathologically dishonest people who ever existed.” Because you can be AS dishonest as a Democrat, but it is impossible to be MORE dishonest.
Let us listen to the true voice of fascist liberal arrogance:
Saturday, January 5, 2019
According to Speaker
of the House Nancy Pelosi securing our border with a physical barrier is immoral and does not represent who we are as a country.

Speaker Pelosi’s House just passed a bill that included foreign aid money destined for use to perform abortions overseas. It also included money for the United Nations Population Fund supporting human rights abuses like China’s forced family-planning.
Sign a Petition To Remove (D-MN), IIhan Abdullahi Omar from the 5th Congressional District
Republicans Considering Big Change On Senate Judiciary-Democrats Furious

Republicans Considering Big Change On Senate Judiciary, Democrats FuriousWhen it comes to the identity politics on the left, it’s amazing how quickly they’ll turn a blind eye at powerful minority or female conservatives.
This will likely be the case if the Senate Judiciary Committee welcomes its first female Republicans, which, Politico reports, McConnell has just announced may soon happen.
Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, two staunch, pro-life conservatives, may soon be the first Republican females on the committee and would certainly silence criticism that the Republicans had lacked in this department.
Thursday, January 3, 2019

(@LadyLiberTea) tweeted at 5:48 PM on Tue, Jan 01, 2019:
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