Democrats Reveal Their Ugly Fascist Face: American People Are Stupid Sheep Who Must Be Deceived By The Superior Illuminati Class
If I sound furious, it is because I am FURIOUS. We have watched the Party of Lies, the Party of Satan, take over America and it may be too late to change course now from the “God damn America” that Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have “fundamentally transformed America” into.
The essence of fascists is that they must lead the stupid sheep to pasture and they often have to lead the stupid animals by deception.
Democrats are tied with “the most pathologically dishonest people who ever existed.” Because you can be AS dishonest as a Democrat, but it is impossible to be MORE dishonest.
Let us listen to the true voice of fascist liberal arrogance:
The tape, played on Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” showed Gruber speaking at an October 2013 event at Washington University in St. Louis.
Referring to the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-end health plans, he said: “They proposed it and that passed, because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”
Gruber specifically was referring to the way the “Cadillac tax” was designed — he touted their plan to, instead of taxing policy holders, tax the insurance companies that offered them. He suggested that taxing individuals would have been politically unpalatable, but taxing the companies worked because Americans didn’t understand the difference.
And ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber in a different speech:
This is similar to remarks he made at a separate event around the same time in 2013. In a clip of that event, Gruber said the “lack of transparency” in the way the law was crafted was critical. “Basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” he said.
Did Gruber do this twice? Nope; he did it at least three times (and probably many more):
Obamacare’s Jonathan Gruber in third video: ‘Exploitation’ of voter was ‘very clever’
By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times – Thursday, November 13, 2014
A third clip of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has emerged, this time of the MIT professor speaking to a University of Rhode Island crowd in 2012 about the health care law’s so-called “Cadillac tax” — and bragging at the utter inability of the American people to comprehend its complexities.
The “Cadillac tax” requires that insurance companies, not individual policy holders, pay the difference between higher- and lower-cost packages — a plan that was pushed into realization by then-Sen. John Kerry, Mr. Gruber said, Fox News reported.
Mr. Gruber then said that a tax on individuals would have been “politically impossible” — but that a tax on companies would prove palatable to voters, mostly because they didn’t understand.
His comments, Fox News reported: “So basically, it’s the same thing. We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing. It’s very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”
These audio comments followed a clip that was played on Fox News’ “The Kelly File” on Tuesday evening that showed Mr. Gruber speaking at Washington University in St. Louis about the same “Cadillac tax” and saying it passed “because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”
And before that, another clip made the media rounds of Mr. Gruber saying at a different event in 2013 that Obamacare passed due in large part to its “lack of transparency.”
His widely reported comments: “Basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”
Mr. Gruber has since expressed regret on national television for his comments. But critics of Obamacare say his remarks only prove what many on the left really believe about Americans.
“It confirms people’s greatest fear about the government,” Sen. John Barrasso, Fox News reported. “Remember, it was Nancy Pelosi who said first you have to pass [Obamacare] before you get to find out what’s in it.”
And yes, I know when I said: “fascist liberal” I was employing a tautology and saying the same thing twice in a slightly different way. You know, like the heart of liberal Darwinism’s “survival of the fittest,” where the “fittest” is defined as “the ones who survive.” Because “fascism” survived as “liberalism.” And one is as pathologically dishonest as the other.
Democrats are like the people who come up to you with a story to get money. and you give them money because you buy their pathetic story. And they walk away with your money mocking you for a stupid idiot because you were actually stupid enough to believe them.
And Democrats are nothing but liars and horrible demon-possessed people. So you actually MUST be truly stupid to believe them.
Keep in mind, the lies about ObamaCare are now called LEGION, for like the demons that inhabited a man whom Jesus confronted in Mark 5:9, they are many.
“Democrat.” It sounds good, right? You know, it sounds like somebody who cares about the will and the voice of the people.
Bullcrap. Democrats have naked CONTEMPT for the will and the voice of the people. The people are obstacles, they are pathetically stupid sheep who must be deceived in order to be hauled off to the slaughtering pen.
So what do Democrats do when they are caught in a lie? They tell ANOTHER LIE, OF COURSE:
After the first tape surfaced — prompting Republican outrage — Gruber went on MSNBC to express regret. On Tuesday, he said: “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately, and I regret having made those comments.”
But after Fox News played the second tape, GOP lawmakers said it proves what they’ve been saying all along.
Jonathon Gruber went on MSNBC rather than on Fox News because if he’d gone on the air with Megyn Kelly it would have taken about twenty seconds for everyone to know which one of those two was the “stupid” one. He knows he has to go to the channel that only STUPID PEOPLE WATCH in order to sell his patent lies.
The “stupid people” are Democrats. It’s not Republicans that are idiot enough to watch MSNBC. It’s the Nazi faithful who follow their Führer and await his next message from his bunker (and I don’t give a damn if you call it “the Führerbunker” or “the White House.” Because it’s the same place by a different name under this “president.”
Now Democrats who relied on this pseudo-intellectual fool’s “analysis” to sell their treason called ObamaCare in honor of the most dishonorable U.S. president who ever lived are now trying to claim they don’t know who THE DAMNED ARCHITECT OF OBAMACARE is.
PELOSI: We’re not finished getting all of our reports back from CBO, but we’ll have a side by side to compare. But our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange. And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.
So again, we’re confident about what we set out to do in the bill: middle class affordability, security for our seniors, and accountability to our children.
Democratic Senate Minority Leader-elect Harry Reid called Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber “one of the most respected economists in the world” on the Senate floor during the 2009 push to pass Obamacare.
Lies and hypocrisy are the essences of Democrats. If you’re not a hypocrite and a liar, you’re not a Democrat. If you are a liar and a hypocrite, you are either a Democrat or a cockroach Nazi fascist by some other name crawling slithering around over some other part of planet earth. All you want is big totalitarian government to be imposed by any means necessary. But whether you’re an ISIS terrorist sawing people’s heads off or Barack Obama, if you are a Democrat you are somebody who views people as an obstacle who must either be exterminated, intimidated or lied to in order to get your way.
“NAZI” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party.” And for the record, that party was the “German Workers Party” until Hitler got ahold of it. Because Satan is a socialist. It was HITLER who changed it to the National Socialist German Workers Party so that the world could better experience the hell of socialism after the communists gave us the first taste of that wicked, ugly hell. Neither of those two groups were ever honest about their project, either. If there was a “National Socialist American Workers Party,” and you don’t believe that would be the damned DEMOCRAT Party, you are worse than a fool to be that kind of ignorant to be so morally idiotic to believe that it is conservatives and Republicans who want to make America “socialist.”
Who votes Democrat? BAD PEOPLE, that’s who. People who are selfish and greedy and vote to take the stuff that other people worked for by raw government force, just like the damned Nazis did when they looted other people’s wealth from them. And they do it the same way the Nazis did; by pitting groups against groups and arguing for instance that white people are thieves and don’t deserve what they have. Just like the Nazis argued their race-baiting lies that Jews were thieves and didn’t deserve what they have.
Let’s describe the people who vote Democrat:
First, there are the welfare turds. We now have in America generations of families who have never worked – unless you define “work” by “making more babies” in order to collect a larger welfare check. We have now more “Americans” on welfare than ever before in history. Which, to put it in Obama campaign-slogan terms means, “Yes we CAN go on welfare and food stamps and join the massively growing Useless Class who do absolutely NOTHING to build America and absolutely EVERYTHING to help collapse it. 100% of this group who can get off their lazy butts long enough to cast a ballot vote “Democrat.” To wit: the Democrat Party literally purchased their vote.
Then there is the “working class.” But let’s define what that REALLY means: the UNION class. The UNION class – because let’s call them what they truly are – survive by “collective bargaining.” Because throughout history, good workers who actually produced a benefit for their employers have never had to worry about their jobs, but only the lazy, bitter, slacker “workers” were in jeopardy. The trick to “collective bargaining” has always been to lie (see this whole damned article as a “for example”) to decent workers and deceive them into supporting the lazy, useless slackers who would have otherwise been FIRED in any honest workplace. And once you get your union in, good luck trying to fire these turds. And yeah, most of them vote “Democrat,” too. Because socialist Democrats impose bureaucracies, laws, regulations, and judges that make it impossible for employers to do anything but knuckle under to the blue lie agenda of unions and Democrats who alternately climb over each other’s backs to keep grabbing more and more and more share of the pie.
Then you’ve got your intellectual class who live in the ivory towers of the universities. They actually have a lot in common with the first two groups above; namely, they live off of other people and depend upon government policy for their largesse. The cost of colleges/universities has inflated FAR more than damned near anything else. Do you know why? Because it’s an industry that is subsidized by the government. The government keeps pumping out “student loans” and increasing the number of student loans as the costs of education skyrocket. And so colleges and universities respond by further raising the costs of education – because the students (another group of “stupid people” fwiw) – backed by more and more loan money that will put them in debt for DECADES – can “afford” higher tuition. And then higher tuition and higher tuition and higher tuition, ad infinitum.
A vote for the Democrat Party is a vote for education costs that you either can’t afford or decide to become a debt-slave to the government for decades to come in order to be able to afford.
And so if you are a “professor” what you really are is a pig with your snout shoved up past your ears into the trough of government socialism.
Your whole way of life depends on it.
And you, therefore, keep spewing and pumping out propaganda to keep the system flowing so it will keep pouring more of other people’s money into your pig trough. And you vote Democrat, of course. Because the Democrat Party is the Party of Pig Troughs.
And then there are the Filthy Rich.
Oh, I know. You’ve been told that the Filthy Rich are Republicans who steal from you and want to steal more from you and only the government can stop them. The problem with that is it’s just another demon-possessed Democrat lie from the party of demon-possessed Democrat liars. Just like ObamaCare. So look over this list of the top fifty political donors and see who the Filthy Rich really support.
What you find is that the Koch Brothers – the face of the evil Filthy Rich Republican – aren’t even ON the list of the top fifty donors. But a whole lot of Filthy Rich LIBERALS sure are.
You see, just like ObamaCare, FDR’s New Deal was based entirely on lies. And just like ObamaCare, FDR’s New Deal desperately hurt the American people by prolonging the Great Depression by seven agonizing years.
There’s a passage from Burton Folsom Jr.’s book, New Deal or Raw Deal that comes closer to framing the essence of FDR’s New Deal in a nutshell – and explaining why the Filthy Rich vote Democrat – than anything I can think of:
Let’s start with the New Deal’s effort to promote industrial recovery: the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which became law in 1933 and was soon shortened to the NRA. Of that act, Roosevelt said, “History will probably record the National Industrial Recovery Act as the most important and far-reaching legislation ever enacted by the American Congress.” The president was right: the NRA was revolutionary. It allowed American industrialists to collaborate to set the prices of their products, and even the wages and hours that went into making them. Leaders in all industries, from steel and coal to shoulder pads and dog food, were invited to sit down together and write “codes of fair competition” that would be binding on all producers in their industry. — page 41
This identical tactic was employed again and again in various components of the New Deal: the rich and the powerful were able to cozy up to the politicians and write the laws and regulations that enabled THEM to continue but suppressed their smaller competitors from being able to compete. In some ways, the brilliance of the scheme was its counter-intuitiveness: the Filthy Rich imposed regulations on themselves that made the cost of doing business dramatically higher. Because they could afford to pay those higher costs of complying with regulations but their smaller competitors could not.
And thus the Filthy Rich and the Democrat Party became bedfellows: the Democrats got the massive totalitarian fascist control they wanted and the Filthy Rich got to choke out their smaller competitors and retain supremacy.
That tactic is still used to this very day even as the Democrats slanderously demonize the other side as doing what THEY are the ones who do: they keep imposing more and more and more and more sweeping regulations which drive up the cost of doing business. The small business that would have competed with the bigger companies and corporations can’t afford to comply with the burdens; but the Filthy Rich just hire another regulatory compliance officer and keep sailing along, knowing that they can increase their prices and make the people pay because they have no competition to drive their profits down.
Let me tell you a secret the Democrat Party, their mainstream media propagandists, and their pseudo-intellectual leftist professor class don’t want you to know:
Economic inequality in the US reaches levels not seen since Great Depression
Wealth inequality in the US is reaching its most extreme point since just before the start of the Great Depression in 1929, according to a new economic analysis. Even the 1 percent are lagging behind the 0.01 percent.
Christian Science Monitor
By Henry Gass
November 10, 2014
It’s 2014, but when it comes to wealth inequality in the United States, it’s starting to look a lot like 1929.
In the late 1920s, the top 10 percent of Americans possessed 84 percent of the country’s wealth. Since then, wealth inequality in America has followed a U-shaped trajectory, declining through the Great Depression until the mid-1980s, then steadily increasing since then. Now, the richest Americans have a share of the country’s wealth almost big enough to rival those in the late 1920s, according to a new study
The study, from Emmanuel Saez of the University of California at Berkeley and Gabriel Zucman of the London School of Economics, uses a greater variety of sources to paint its picture of wealth inequality in the US than other recent analyses. […]
According to an analysis of data sourced through 2012 – including detailed data on personal income taxes and property tax – Professors Saez and Zucman found that the richest 0.1 percent of Americans have as much of the country’s wealth as the poorest 90 percent. Both groups control roughly 22 percent of total wealth, but while the average wealth of the bottom 90 percent is $84,000, the top 0.1 percent were comprised of 160,700 families with net assets above $20 million, according to their study.
An even closer look at their data has shown that while the growth of the American middle class has been restricted by modest income growth and soaring debt –thanks in large part to the 2008 mortgage crisis – the super-rich have been making significant gains in income and wealth.
While the bottom 90 percent of Americans and the top 0.1 percent control about 22 percent of the country’s wealth each, the top 0.01 percent of Americans now control 11.2 percent of total wealth. That share of the wealth held by the country’s richest 0.01 percent – a group of roughly 16,000 families with an average net worth of $371 million – is the largest share they’ve had since 1916, the highest on record, according to the study.
I think I’ve already explained why that is.
Keep in mind that for the first two years of Obama Democrats controlled the ENTIRE government. They passed EVERYTHING they wanted to pass and shoved it down the American peoples’ throats – lying as needed, we now know. Since then, they have held lockstep control of the White House or the Führerbunker or whatever the hell Obama calls it when he’s not golfing, and the Senate under Democrat Harry Reid has blocked more Republican-House-passed bills and shut down more amendments than all previous Senate Majority Leaders in the entire history of the republic TIMES TWO.
But we’ve got two more giant lies from the party of the devil going on; namely, number one, that it’s somehow the Republican Party that is the “party of obstruction” when it’s the damn DEMOCRAT Party and number two that income inequality is the fault of Republicans when it has been the result of OBAMA’S vile FDR-esqe policies that have created this disaster.
Democrats – liars, remember – will tell you about “corporate welfare” and they’ll tell you about the big banks being given billions by Republicans. Just remember that Barack Obama voted for that deal that gave the banks billions in that bailout, that the Tea Party who are Obama’s primary conservative enemies opposed it fiercely and bitterly. If you’re a Lehman Brothers, or a Morgan Stanley or a JP Morgan or a Citigroup or a Goldman Sachs, well, you know who your Führer is. But, hey, you’re a Democrat, so you can always just LIE and blame what you did on your opponents, right?
Bush said, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.” Whereas it is the intrinsic, pathological NATURE of the Democrat Party to “abandon free market principles.”
Every single Democrat votes to crush the small businesses and therefore exalt the Filthy Rich. That is the malicious fascist evil of the Democrat Party tradition – and it has been thus for over eighty years.
If you don’t like exalting the Filthy Rich, support conservative Tea Party Republicans. Well, or else be a Democrat LIAR and lie about it being the fault of the other side who opposes the very thing you want to do and demonize them for doing.
I could add to these groups the people who despise America, the William Ayers, and Professor Ward Churchills and your Black Panther types. I could add the bitter race-baiters, I could add the people who want to divide America up by gender, or by all the other issues that these people want to divide America with. I could add the illegal immigrants who have no love for America or its ways but only want to come here to be able to exploit what others built. There are a lot of horrible, bad, warped, evil people who form the nucleus of the Democrat Party.
But let’s just stick with the three groups I discussed at greater length above, so you can contemplate the incredibly parasitical nature of the Democrat Party that is the party of leeches.
And realize that the quintessential tactic of this diseased party is to lie and lie and lie and then lie some more.
Because to the extent they aren’t truly “stupid,” they know that the American people are increasingly – since Democrats drove God out of this nation – become bad people. And it is always the nature of bad people to prefer lies to the truth.
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Chester James Carville, Jr. |

Democrats Are Like The Most Stupid Farm Animals. If You Don’t Believe Me, Just Ask A Career Democrat HERDER.
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