Comment: The following post contains much information and many links for further information
Blog editor JRH 2/11/20
Justin Smith reminds readers again that today’s America would cause our Founding Fathers to turn in their graves if such activity was ever monitored.
Both American Leftists and Conservatives pretending to be rational would tell you an imminent Civil War is the stuff of Conspiracy Theories. I say, “PAY ATTENTION!” I watched a Dem supporter verbally freak out on Fox News over the acquittal by the Senate of Donald Trump. The freaker spoke words like slash President Trump’s throat and his Republican supporters too.
Justin’s sentiment (of which I concur) is that the Left has flushed the Founders’ America down the crap hole with Leftist transformation politics.
IF YOU THINK these two political stands will not clash in eventual violence, I’m afraid your head is with the ostriches in the sand of delusion.
[Quote from The Barbarians – Wikipedia Bio]
America Is Being Destroyed
By Justin O. Smith
Conservative Americans and everything righteous and decent, every Founding Principle including Christianity, has been under attack very nearly from the beginning of the nation, but from the first days of the Marxist ideology being introduced into America after 1848, something much more evil has grown within our country. America is being destroyed more rapidly than ever today, yes, even under Trump, by Democratic Party communists and Republicans-In-Name-Only [RINOs], as so many on both sides of the political aisle are responsible for buying into the globalists’ worldview, essentially a far left communist worldview, and they use planned conflict, fear, control of education, the dependence built into the welfare system and dominant control in states, corporations and academia to achieve their ends.
[Blog Editor – Of interest: Marxism and the Manipulation of Man; By Ludwig Von Mises; Mises Institute; Part of lecture series from 6/23 to 7/3/1952 – extracted from “Marxism Unmasked” published by FEE © 2006 – Reprinted as Lecture 5 this title Mises Institute © 2019]
The Left seeks to destroy our nation’s Founding, the Constitution and Christianity in America, because those entities impede and obstruct their goals of total control of every individual and their ability to rewrite history in order to create a logic that aligns only with their twisted, evil ideology. To be blunt, they seek the destruction of America’s traditional culture and even the traditional family. Essentially they want to see all Conservatives dead, so the conservative ideology and the Founding will die along with us.
The Conservative Philosophy and the Founding Father’s Judeo-Christian and Western Principles are bitterly assaulted regularly by the Left who condemn them largely due to the moral restraints they place on their desire to follow any lewd immoral practice in society, of their own choosing, regardless of how debasing, dehumanizing, demented, perverted and deviant it might be, as currently witnessed in the LGBTQ movement. Rather than seeking equality under the law, they seek to restrain Christian morality, and, in so doing, our God-given Rights and the Bill of Rights too. They seek the submission of true republicans to the arbitrary decisions of men and to deny all Americans actual free will and freedom of choice, that the power brokers fear and despise, when in the hands of ‘We the People’ and the Great Unwashed Masses, the Deplorables, and so they offer miniscule financial gains to the ignorant masses, who were successfully brainwashed in public education, and call it a “great transfer of wealth”, in order to keep them disciplined and content, even as they regularly suppress and subvert their Constitutional rights.
The traditional core nuclear American family too — represented by one man married to one woman and raising their children together over their lifetime — is now misrepresented as something bad, by the Left. Rather than being supported as the most important entity of society for a child that helps a child learn right from wrong through loving parents, the Leftist Democrats and Communists want us to believe that it is a stifling, controlling patriarchy that is designed to prevent one from attaining their full potential to become the weak, simpering, cowed, cowardly, spineless State Serfs and proles, “yes men”, they were meant to be.
When the average American protests against gun control legislation, in Virginia in numbers estimated to be between 60,000 to 80,000, and the State’s Democratic Party legislators, tyrants one and all, still pass seven illegitimate, unconstitutional gun control laws, similar to laws passed in Colorado, and under consideration in New Hampshire, New Mexico, Hawaii and other states, that have already been upheld in Appeals Courts in Connecticut and Indiana, he understands that oligarchs are attempting to rule over him.
And the point is driven further home, upon discovering that some major banks, such as CitiCorp and Bank of America are refusing loans to firearm manufactures for semi-automatic weapons and if they sell their goods to adults under the age of twenty-one.
More and more, we even hear so-called “leaders” from the city commissioner level, in towns like Fargo, ND, to mayors like Ted Wheeler in Portland, Oregon, right on up to Governors, like Howard Dean (former Vermont Governor) and on to the U.S. Congress suggesting and even presenting despicable, reprehensible European Union style “hate speech” ‘law’ as we find in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Whether these illiberal petty tyrants acknowledge the fact or not, so long as speech isn’t threatening or harassing, “hate speech” — which is subjective and dependent on who is listening or on the receiving end — is just as protected under the First Amendment as any other speech, and anyone is free to condemn Islam, Muslims, Jews, blacks, whites, Hispanics, illegal aliens, Americans, Democrats and communists or Republicans and conservatives.
[Blog Editor: If you are a Biblically minded Christian, you moral stand expressed in speech WILL be labelled Hate Speech in Europe. That mentality is being brainwashed into Americans via multiple forms of media and the Education system. If YOU as a Christian don’t stand now, YOU WILL be incarcerated for Christian morality and faith.
- The Growing Tyranny of Free Speech Suppression and What You Can Do; By Paul Philips; Activist Post; 2/22/16
- “Hate Speech” Laws Undermine Free Speech and Equality; By John Samples; CATO Institute (CATO at Liberty); 6/8/18 2:14PM
- The Threat of Hate Speech Doctrine – A Warning from Europe; By Rick Plasterer; Juicy Ecumenism – The Institute on Religion & Democracy’s Blog; 7/15/19
- Why Laws Against Hate Speech Are Dangerous; By Fjordman; Gatestone Institute; 1/18/20 5:00 am]
As J.W. Bryan, a 93 year old former U.S. Marine, notes in his ‘Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump’ on February 8th 2020: “I am very favorable to what you have accomplished and are trying to accomplish. However, I fear that you are being deceived by the very members of the (Council on Foreign Relations) within your administration.” Mr. Bryan understands that the goal of the CFR has always been the convergence of capitalism and communism and the creation of a one world government, a new world order, and the USMCA fits perfectly into that plan, a plan that was driven and facilitated by our “trade representative” Robert Lighthizer, who is a longtime member of the globalist CFR and an advocate of Obama’s badly flawed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
[Blog Editor: I understand Justin Smith’s difficulties with USMCA; however tossing in traditional bad guy globalists of the CFR, it becomes more difficult for me to pinpoint Justin’s mind on just where the CFR is on the nefarious scale. That scale is long and wide ranging from the Antisemitic ridiculous to the very credible Marxist-like One World Government. I used Duck-Duck-Go to search a phrase in this essay. Click this phrase to see what I mean: “Council on Foreign Relations: convergence of capitalism and communism and the creation of a one world government”]
Both of the aforementioned leave most of America understanding that there isn’t any real freedom or free market in America any longer. And they are right. Americans now live lives of controlled servitude under a fascist oligarchy that operates through the cooperation of governments, both federal and state, and our nation’s corporations, which has made our political and economic situation and environment much more dire today, than if left to the more pure capitalist system that existed prior to 1913.
In his morning soliloquy, my fine friend, Jeremy Deeter, reminded me of a point I used to often address in past years. Nearly every American family man in the 1950s could work his 40 hour a week job and still pay for a house, groceries and clothes, for himself and the wife and children, an automobile and still have a bit left over to take in a night out at a movie or dinner with his family. Then the Harvard boys stepped in and looked at the numbers, especially after seeing that women were well capable of working during the war effort of WWII, and the finance manipulations, in place since the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Act (16th Amendment) of 1913, began in earnest and at lightning speed, raising prices and manipulating the currency to put more money in the landlord’s, corporations’ and bankers’ pockets. And now, just to survive and pay rent, we see both parents must work, and very often, one or more of the children.
The 1950s was one of the last decades before the social situation in America started sliding downhill. The Left is especially hard on this era, since things were good, and it represents the high point in the life of the American family. Aside from the wages of one man being sufficient to support a family and raise children:
*Less than three percent of children were born to single mothers [Stats I located varied yet similar. For example: Page search “1950” on NCBI page – 4% and fas.org “1950” under topic “Number of Nonmarital Births” – 5.6%] .
*Violent crime was less than half of today’s crime rate.
*The salary gap between a high school and college graduate was three times less than it is today.
*Ninety percent of Americans attended church, compared to only forty percent today [Graph].
Largely due to the actions and machinations of the Federal Reserve
Bank, the same bank that enriched J.P. Morgan, the Roosevelt Family, the
Rockefellers and the Rothschilds through the 1929 Stock Market Crash, a
monopoly of power has grown in the hands of the few. They wield power
over the rest of society, like a club using threat of violence, i.e. the
National Guard in Virginia and other means of coercion — using millions
of dollars from Michael Bloomberg and George Soros; and, they
also offer a plum of economic largesse in the auto industry while
inserting anti-American, anti-sovereignty treaties into the fine print
of the USMCA, in their ultimate desire for total control of all the
nation’s resources and all the individuals themselves, who will be left
little choice but to comply to their demands, or fight for resources,
their private property and their absolute right to live free and in
Liberty.The Far Left Democratic Party Communists are making continuous gains through thousands of lies propagated, facilitated and advanced through John Dewey’s public education system that paved the way for the indoctrination of generations of Americans into the Marxist philosophy. Dewey himself was an admirer of the Bolshevik experiment and an admirer of Leon Trotsky, although he disagreed with him on some points; but suffice it to say that Dewey subscribed to the same mob rule that always comes from pure democracy, a mob rule that now manifests itself in today’s ANTIFA, Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movements and the nihilism they direct at America’s Founding.
The Left offers the fictions of their multiculturalist global narratives designed by society’s power players, that promote and seek more Big Government and power for the already powerful and less freedom and liberty for the rest of us, through numerous lies focused on climate change and the Cap and Trade taxes and redistribution of wealth, fiat debt, open borders, free migration, central economic planning, socialized medical care — contained in the USMCA too, in some form or fashion — in plans designed to subjugate us all in the lowest common denominator in poverty and policies that absolutely and completely destroy national sovereignty. Just listen to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren long enough and you will hear of a utopia for all, paid for by the government, that costs upwards of forty to fifty-seven trillion dollars and destroys real wealth, destroying America in the process.
[Leftists Lie to Brainwash:
- How the Left Lies; By davenj1; Red State; 10/13/17 6:15 am
- Top 10 Leftist Lies; By Melissa Karlee (WordPress); 10/31/17
- Confronting Leftist Lies; By Lloyd Marcus; American Thinker; 2/5/18
- Three lies the left needs to stop telling; By Peggy Grande; Fox News; 5/10/19
- Chronicling the Left’s Lies; By Dennis Prager; National Review; 8/6/19
These dangerous people do not have one bit of standing to tell You or me or anyone how we should or must be living our lives. They are the morons who we must sift out of government as one sifts chaff from the wheat, so that we may minimize their collective deranged, irrational ideas impact on our culture and our society, however, if they insist and continue to force the issue and their contention that all Americans must live according to their dictates, at the expense of our own freedom and liberty, violent conflict will be inevitable.
Americans and their progenies are facing the most dangerous times to be an American, since 1861 and the spawning of incremental tyranny, that I have witnessed in my sixty-three years on earth, as a trend continues and grows today towards tyranny across all fronts of U.S. government, and the tyrants are closer than ever to gaining the total control they seek and a top-down hierarchy of control by the few. The situation has arisen through careful planning, and it is gaining momentum due to an apathetic, complacent, indoctrinated, ignorant and blind general population, and if we who have clear vision wish to stop the advancing new world order and the end of liberty in America, each and every Free Born American who loves God, Family, Country and Liberty must be prepared to take up arms against a ruling class that has gone too far and exceeded all bounds of accepted power, in order that all Americans may once again control their own destiny.
God ultimately controls my destiny, but I intend to control my own destiny here on earth as much as humanly possible, through my own free will, so long as breath remains in my body.
By Justin O. Smith
Continue to the Original Post for additional information and a plethora of links on this subject.
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