Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Thursday, January 14, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 01/14/2021, “The Week Of Hell Is Upon Us!!!” / “Payback Time!!!”

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“The Week Of Hell Is Upon Us!!!”

 In our America, the political divide will widen even more as this week is beginning. The PARTY OF HATE wants our President impeached once again. They are very serious. They are not kidding. Speaker Pelosi calls on the cowards of the GOP to join them in finally getting rid of Trump. In the end, the question is, “Will they acquiesce? The chances are that they might. The Republican Party is a total mess. The Democrats are out for blood. It is what they thirst for. The PERSECUTION against our beleaguered President continues. His political enemies want to even the score. The PARTY OF HATE’S vendetta is not only against him but against us, his devoted political base, as well. My fellow patriots, we are in for what looks like BLOODY HELL. This is something that is not up for debate. The Democrat Party is filled with such anger. They are poisoned with such HATE.

 Since last Wednesday we have seen the TITANS OF SILICONE VALLEY along with Corporate America censoring conservatives and purging high profile officials on the RIGHT from social media. Each Trump supporter is who they go after. We are targets. There is no mistaking that. We are in the crosshairs of every damn Leftist Democrat. We are in for a most troubling time and that is without question. They will not tolerate any kind of DISSENSION. In our country, the Oligarchs are monitoring what we are saying. It is Orwell’s world of 1984 that we are revisiting. It is troubling. It is quite horrifying. We cannot say that we didn’t see all of this coming. There have been signs of it if one had paid close attention. What many of us had feared has, alas come, to be. We are under TYRANNY.

 Speaker Pelosi has given the Vice President forty-eight hours to invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. He must listen to what she has to say. If he fails to do so the Impeachment on Wednesday will get underway. He will be charged with inciting a riot due to what they claim is a false allegation about the election being stolen. The PARTY OF HATE feels that a proverbial ‘electoral lynching’ will surely take place. They are so blinded by their poisonous HATE that they do not realize that Trump’s side will have a great opportunity to finally present their case. They will hold their ground. 

To Speaker Pelosi and her PARTY OF HATE, I say everything you do, everything you say, every choice you make, sooner or later comes back around. The mountain of evidence of FRAUD will come to light as we all surely know. The Trump HATERS will surely ‘reap what they sow’.



“Payback Time!!!”


For the PARTY OF HATE, it began with the ‘Politics of Resistance’ and it ends with RETRIBUTION and VENGEANCE. So determined are they in attempting to put our President through utter HUMILIATION. The poisonous HATRED for him is so deep they care not if it further divides our beloved nation. The Vice President has sent a letter to the Speaker that he will not invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Today the House will vote on Articles of Impeachment. It looks as if the REVENGE agenda is gaining momentum. This can only be described as utterly LOATHSOME. Our President is being accused of inciting the Capitol riot which can clearly be proven to be untrue. The CORRUPT media continue to spread this BIG LIE. They fail to tell the truth. That is what they always do. The HYPOCRISY we are witnessing is mind-blowing. It must be decried. What about the BLM and ANTIFA riots of last year? Incredulously we are being told by the scumbags in the media that those riots were entirely justified.

 The PURGE and CENSORSHIP that we have been experiencing reaches a level heretofore never seen. It is frightening. It is horrifying. It truly is obscene. The PARTY OF HATE along with the detestable OLIGARCHS of Silicone Valley will stop at nothing to keep us all in line. They are what they appear to be, FASCISTIC swine. The last thing that we need to see is the political opposition of the Democrats stay silent as we see most of them clearly do. Their bloodless vendetta starts with Trump and their sights will turn to me and you. The political establishment, the media, the permanent bureaucracy, and yes, the deep state are hell-bent on crushing him and we will certainly be next on their disgusting and HATEFUL agenda. We must find a way to show resistance for in a matter of days in the hands of this PARTY OF HATE will be our country’s governance. In the background of all of this, we hear Biden speak of unity. He truly is demented. Can there be a bigger for than he??

 It is without question that the Far Left will make a life for us truly miserable. We are in for a most perilous time. I ask you simply this, how long will it take before saying something the ruling class doesn’t want to hear is deemed to be a crime?




“It Begins!”

The PERSECUTION is never-ending. Today the POLITICAL LYNCHING has begun. It is led by a vicious and vile Speaker. It is only a matter of time before the PARTY OF HATE gets undone. It is truly amazing that one man can generate this HATRED. Never have I seen anything like this. It sickens me to the core. We are witnessing such VENOM at a man who in a matter of a week will be leaving the Oval Office. But it is not quick enough for these radical lunatics for he must be thrown out immediately. Today at the Impeachment hearing we heard from two courageous souls telling it like it is. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan performed brilliantly. Unfortunately there are too few others in the PARTY OF THE FECKLESS who are willing to fight for our President. They remain quite and very still. When the Senate trial gets underway you know the likes of a Romney, Sasse and Lord knows how many other RINOS will vote to convict. You can be fairly certain that they will. It seems more than ever that our beloved can never be united. That, my fellow patriots, is an impossibility. The PARTY OF HATE will make sure that it will never, ever be.

We have gone through four plus years of hoaxes and lies. It has been spurred on by a most CORRUPT media. Long ago they have thrown journalism to the wind and have become an arm of this DETESTABLE DNC. Of course it has long been this way but it has really spiraled out of control during the Trump presidency. Our body politic has been so thoroughly poisoned it will take years before we can get back to any sense of normalcy. During these next two years there will be millions of immigrants granted citizenship. The political base of the Democrats will increase significantly. In a week the PARTY OF HATE will have total control of governance. It will now be we who will show our RESISTANCE for what lies ahead are trouble times for our America. The Impeachment trial will be the first thing on the Senate’s agenda. As I write this the vote to Impeach passed with ten Republicans voting in the affirmative with every scumbag in the PARTY OF HATE. It will now be up to the Upper Chamber of our Congress that will determine Trump’s fate.   

Written by Joe Esposito,01/14/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

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