Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Why Donald Trump Should Not Run for President in 2024


Why Donald Trump Should Not Run for President in 2024

Donald Trump should not run for president in 2024.  His place in the pantheon of American Presidents is secure as he was the right president at the right time and will go down in history as among the nation’s indispensable presidents.  In the upcoming no-holds-barred war for the soul and future of America, it is time for the mantle to be passed on to others he has effectively mentored and who have shown a resolute willingness to follow in his footsteps.

Trump’s accomplishments are legion and among the most important are not only awakening the citizenry to the potentially irretrievable headfirst dash into a permanent one-party-socialist oligarchy, but doing so by doggedly battling these ideological elites and exposing their duplicity, extrajudicial procedures, megalomania, and premeditated election fraud and manipulation. 

He showed a nation stuck in a 28-year morass of political mediocrity and collectivism that fearlessness, determination, an implacable devotion to the principles of the nation’s founding, together with genuine empathy for the American people, would defeat a radical left-wing Democrat party and a feckless Republican establishment.

Donald Trump’s inclusion on the list of indispensable presidents derives not only from his political, judicial, and legislative accomplishments but the dramatically positive impact he had on the psyche of a hitherto despondent Middle America.  They are now keenly aware of who the ruling elites and their bedmates in the radical left are and that they are not invincible.

By renewing and recasting many of the economic policies of Ronald Reagan and initiating an America First foreign policy, Trump not only reversed the downward trend of the nation but with these overwhelmingly effective policies showed the American people that there were viable alternatives that worked.

Further, Trump’s determined effort to recast the Republican Party as the party of all income groups, races, creeds, and ethnicities and the Democrats as the party of the elites and left-wing radicals is succeeding at an overwhelming and accelerating pace.

Thanks to Donald Trump, most Republican candidates running for office at all levels of government now espouse and campaign on energy independence, school choice, a secure border, bringing jobs back to the United States, curtailing the power of the bureaucracy, reduced government regulations, deterrence against China, America First foreign policy, and, most importantly, recapturing the nation’s cultural and educational institutions.

Nothing exemplifies the importance of the Trump presidency more than the chaos, mismanagement, ignorance, and unmitigated failures of the fraudulently-elected Biden administration as the vast majority of the American people can see for themselves the stark differences between the two administrations.  Because of Trump’s success during his term, the citizenry is primed to soundly defeat the Democrats in November of 2022 and reject their nominee in 2024.  

Considering the paucity of viable candidates to replace Joe Biden, the Democrats and the left in 2024 will have to turn to either Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, or clones thereof, or possibly a “woke” billionaire business luminary or even a puerile Hollywood celebrity.  All of whom, after four years of Joe Biden, cannot win a national election that is not beset with fraud and rampant cheating.

On the other hand, there are electable and viable potential Republican candidates who have been extraordinarily influenced by the presidency of Donald Trump -- in particular, Gov. Ron DeSantis but also Sen. Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo, Sen Josh Hawley, and Sen. Ted Cruz.  All of whom are close with or have worked for Trump and would carry through with his agenda.  And all of whom would do well as president as all have repeatedly shown a determined willingness to wage war with the radical left and to not back down or be intimidated by the usual left-wing character assassination and deep-state tactics.

In 2024 Donald Trump will be 78.  As someone who is a year or so older than Trump, I have to sadly admit, based on personal experience and observing the octogenarians in Congress and the White House, that the time has come for politicians of both parties who are 78 and older to gracefully exit the national political stage. 

Despite six years of vile and unprecedented personal attacks and the resultant and inevitable physical and emotional toll, Donald Trump is exceptional in his physical health and mental acuity.  However, what would another six years (two campaignings and four in office) of ruthless and unconditional warfare with America’s implacable domestic enemies, as well as the daily and oftentimes unexpected challenges of the most difficult job on earth, due to his stamina and indomitability as he will be 82 when his second term expires?

If Trump were to defeat the ruling elites a second time, their nihilist radical left-wing allies and their media sycophants would be consumed with uncontrolled vengeance.  Their determination to destroy Trump on a personal basis would exceed that of his first term.  Thereby, creating incessant and ongoing media-driven national chaos and anxiety and diverting the citizenry’s attention from the necessity of utilizing every political tactic available to permanently defeat this malevolent cabal.

Nor should Trump be expected to further erode and further damage his family business ventures that would take significantly greater hits than what he suffered in his first term during which he experienced a loss of over 33% of his net worth (or $1 Billion). 

As was the case during his first term, his family, with whom he is remarkably close, would again be targeted and unfairly maligned while suffering their own emotional and personal financial losses.

Donald Trump and his family have already sacrificed and paid a massive price on behalf of the American people.  It is time for others, younger and unbowed, to come to the fore, to accept the shield and sword from Trump and follow in his footsteps.

Donald Trump’s legacy is set in stone.  After the mid-term elections are over, he should announce that he is not running in 2024.  Instead, he should rest on his laurels and become the permanent titular leader as well as the conscience of the Republican Party and most importantly the preeminent advocate for all of the American people. 


Thank you, Mr. President

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